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A Number of Deputies are Awarded NA Souvenirs on the Occasion of Teacher’s Day
On October 4 in the parliament by the order of the RA NA Speaker Galust Sahakyan the NA deputies Karine Poghosyan, Ruzanna Muradyan, Heghine Bisharyan and Hayk Grigoryan were awarded NA nominal watches for the contribution to the sphere of education on the occasion of Teacher’s Day. ...

Address by the RA National Assembly President Galust Sahakyan on Teacher’s Day
“Distinguished teachers,I cordially congratulate you on your professional holiday, Teacher’s Day. This holiday is one of the most beloved holidays of our society, as the teacher has always been respected, appreciated by our people, and we have always treated them with reverence and esteem, has been ...

Awarding Ceremony in the National Assembly
On October 4 on the occasion of Teacher’s Day a group of teachers were hosted in the RA National Assembly. The President of the RA National Assembly Galust Sahakyan received the teachers from Yerevan and those who had arrived in the NA from different marzes of the republic. The RA NA Vice President ...

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