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Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport: Systemized activity of preservation and protection of cultural heritage to be defined
The notions of the museum sphere, the kinds, the functions of the museums, the principles of handing over for temporary preservation with museum items in the State Museum of the Republic of Armenia, replenishing, registering, publicizing them, the forms of the support to the museums and collections ...

Mutual recognition of documents regarding scientific degrees to be regulated
The ratification of the Agreement will regulate the mutual recognition of the documents related to scientific degrees. The aim is to ensure access to employment, professional activities in the field of labor migration in the EEU member states for persons with these documents. This was stated by the ...

Amendments to law on Medical Aid and Service of Population and to enclosed laws
In 2021, two important laws on Assessment of Person’s Functionality and on Rights of Persons with disabilities were passed, and conditioned by that 15 laws on person’s functionality system introduction were amended in 2022 and in 2023. They were necessary for operating of the new regulations at firs...

Ruben Rubinyan receives Senior Advisor for Caucasus Negotiations of U.S. Department of State
The Vice President of the National Assembly of Armenia Ruben Rubinyan received the Senior Advisor for Caucasus Negotiations of the U.S. Department of State Louis Bono on January 9.The US Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the RA Kristina Kvien attended the meeting.The parties discussed ...

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