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  • Government proposes amendments to a number of drafts: National Assembly convenes an extraordinary sitting
    News 25.04.2023
    In accordance with Article 100 of the RA Constitution and Article 41 of the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly constitutional law, immediately after the end of the extraordinary sitting convened on 18 April 2023, an extraordinary sitting of the National Assembly was convened on the initiative of the Government with the agenda set by the initiator on April 25. Before starting the debate of agenda items, the deputies honored the memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide with a...

  • Parliamentary Assistance Partners’ Annual Coordination Meeting Held
    News 25.04.2023
    The international effective cooperation always had its tangible outcomes. We can only affirm with satisfaction and joy that in the last years that cooperation enlarged its frameworks: the NA Chief of Staff, Secretary General Davit Arakelyan said during the Parliamentary Assistance Partners’ Annual Coordination Meeting on April 25. According to Davit Arakelyan, the year 2022 has been rather effective in terms of cooperation with partners, as numerous programmes have been implemented, proje...

  • Parliament continues debate of implementation process and results of Government Programme for 2022
    News 20.04.2023
    On April 20, the National Assembly continued to debate the report on the process and results of the implementation of the Government Programme of the Republic of Armenia (2021-2026) for 2022 at the extraordinary sitting. The RA Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Gnel Sanosyan responded to the deputies’ questions, which related to the reform of the irrigation network and the construction of new reservoirs, the repair of the bad community roads and the road constructi...

  • It is designed to comply the rendering postal services with the internationally accepted standards
    News 13.04.2023
    It is proposed by the draft to write down the notions with new edition. 19 new notions were particularly set, 18 notions were written down with new edition, which were complied with the Acts of the Universal Postal Union and the European Union Postal Directive. The principles of the activity in the sphere of postal communication were edited, the kinds of the activities in the sphere of postal communication were specified, the scope of the postal communication universal services with new editio...

  • Chairman of Commission on Television and Radio presents 2022 annual report: Hate speech, insults, and threats significantly decrease in programmes of broadcasters operating in public multiplex
    News 13.04.2023
    The Commission records that the media operating under its control operated freely last year without interference from the authorities: the Chairman of the Commission on Television and Radio Tigran Hakobyan said at the NA regular sitting presenting the annual report on the activities of the Commission on Television and Radio in 2022 and the state of freedom of information in the sphere of audiovisual media on April 13. He informed that no significant complaints were received in response to...

  • Armen Gevorgyan: The global educational space must serve as the main mechanism for dialogue across generations and nations
    News 10.04.2023
    On April 10, the Member of the RA NA delegation to PACE, the General Rapporteur in PACE Armen Gevorgyan delivered a speech during the panel debate of the Global Parliamentary Forum held in Washington. “Dear colleagues, Let me start by underlining the crucial importance of the topic we have on our agenda. We are witnessing three acute cha...

  • Committee Adopts Legislative Initiatives in Second Reading: Amendments and Addenda to Law on Audiovisual Media
    News 15.03.2023
    As a result of adopting the proposed amendment and addendum to the law on Audiovisual Media, audiovisual media consumers in the RA will be able to use the identical order of broadcast programs and easily choose their preferred program. This was said by the Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport Sisak Gabrielyan. The Government presented one proposal during the period from the first to th...

  • Legislative Package Debated in Standing Committee on Economic Affairs: It is Proposed to Create One Unified Electronic Database of Restrictions Applied to Real Estate
    News 15.03.2023
    It is proposed to create one unified electronic database of restrictions applied to real estate. The Government will define the requirements and submission procedure for electronic documents. Within one year after the approval of that order and the law adoption, certain restrictions applied to real estate by law enforcement systems must be sent to the Cadastre Committee through the appropriate electronic platform and in accordance with the requirements. The electronic system will automatically...

  • Zhanna Andreasyan: We Plan to Introduce an Interconnected Mechanism of Professional Development and Salary Increase with Amendments in the Field of Extracurricular Education
    News 09.02.2023
    The field of extracurricular education has been out of control for years, and we have a lot to do., We plan to introduce an interconnected mechanism of professional development and salary increase in the field with the amendments. This was stated by the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport Zhanna Andreasyan, presenting the draft law on Amendments and Addenda to the Law On Education at the regular sitting in the first reading of the National Assembly on February 9. According t...

  • Member of RA NA Delegation to PACE Sona Ghazaryan Delivers a Speech at PACE Winter Session
    News 27.01.2023
    On January 27, the Member of the RA NA Delegation to PACE, the deputy of the NA Civil Contract Faction Sona Ghazaryan delivered a speech on the Role of the Universities and Scientific Community in Defence of Democracy on behalf of ALDE Political Group at PACE Winter Session The deputy noted in her speech: “Thank you, rapporteur for your ...

  • Tigran Abrahamyan: 44-Day War and Closing of Lachin Corridor Once Again Prove that Artsakh Armenians Cannot in Any Way Live in Azerbaijan
    News 24.01.2023
    The ongoing processes around Artsakh are expressed by the territorial ambitions towards Armenia and the aggression against Artsakh by Azerbaijan. In the context of xenophobia of Azerbaijan and bellicose statements in Artsakh there is a problem of physical existence. The 44-day war and the closing of the Lachin Corridor once again prove that the Artsakh Armenians cannot in any way live in Azerbaijan: the Secretary of the NA With Honor Faction Tigran Abrahamyan said about this at the meeting wit...

  • It is Designed to Implement a Programme Political Parties for Inclusive Democracy
    News 24.01.2023
    T he Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD) designs to implement a programme Political Parties for Inclusive Democracy in Armenia, the goal of which is the development of the capacities of the politicians and the parties and the provision of the content engagement in the political and democratic processes of Armenia by them. ...

  • Artur Hovhannisyan Meets with Head of Programmes & Knowledge at the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy Wouter Dol
    News 24.01.2023
    On January 24, the Secretary of the RA NA Civil Contract Faction Artur Hovhannisyan met with the Head of Programmes & Knowledge at the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD) Wouter Dol and the Senior Programme and Knowledge Advisor Reem Judeh. Presenting the primary goal of the visit to Armenia, Wouter Dol noted that they design to implement the programme Political Parties for In...

  • Second Stage of Communication School of NA Committees Ended
    News 14.12.2022
    “The participants of the regular program implemented with the staff of the National Assembly and the International Republican Institute (IRI) are the experts of the NA Standing Committees. The National Assembly has always attached importance to the development of the employees’ capacity and knowledge. Cooperating with the international partners, a unique platform for the transfer of the best international experience and skills was created,” the RA NA Chief of Staff, Secretary General Vahan Nar...

  • Gnel Sanosyan Referred to Number of Issues Concerning MP Karen Hambardzumyan
    News 07.12.2022
    “There are settlements in the republic that have not been gasified. The company serving the sector thinks that the costs of building gasification networks in those small settlements are not justified. We can resolve the issue with the subsidy programs, when the Government and the community jointly build a network, and Gazprom starts serving” the Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Gnel Sanoyasyan said, answering the question of the NA deputy Karen Hambardzumyan during the...

  • Armen Gevorgyan: The Theme of Development and Empowerment of Local Democracy Must Become One of the Main Priorities for the 4th Council of Europe Summit
    News 02.12.2022
    On December 2, at the regular Meeting of the PACE Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development held in Paris as a key rapporteur on PACE Local and Regional Authorities, the Member of the NA Delegation to PACE Armen Gevorgyan made a final report. “Dear colleagues: Following the break, imposed by COVID-19 restrictions, the 43 rd Session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe was held in offline format. Apart from a set of traditi...

  • Legislative Reforms in Field of Regular Passenger Transportation in Territory of Republic
    News 24.11.2022
    “The legislative reforms implemented in the field of regular passenger transportation in the territory of the republic are due to the increase in the efficiency and quality of service and the application of new solutions for the organization of the intra-community route network by communities,” the RA Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Armen Simonyan said, presenting in the first reading the package of draft laws on Making Amendments and Addenda to the Law on R...

  • Sona Ghazaryan Meets with Dutch Politician: Establishment of Peace in the Region Highlighted
    News 21.11.2022
    On November 21, the RA NA deputy Sona Ghazaryan met with the member of the D66 Party, former MP of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Jan Hoekema. The prospects of the expansion of bilateral relations and agendas were discussed. Sona Ghazaryan presented to the guest the circumstances of the offensive of Azerbaijan on the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia on September 13-14 and its aftermath. The necessity of the establishment of peace in the region and the importance of the ...

  • It is Proposed to Set Unified Sequence for Air Broadcast of Audiovisual Programmes Included in Public Multiplex
    News 15.11.2022
    The deputies Sisak Gabrielyan, Narek Babayan and Hakob Aslanyan propose to set a unified application for the sequence of the broadcast of all audiovisual programmes included in the public multiplex irrespective of the spread area, operator and broadcaster. At November 15 NA sitting Sisak Gabrielyan detailed in the first reading the regulations being proposed in the law on Audiovisual Media. It is proposed to broadcast audiovisual programmes included in the public multiplex with the f...

  • Issues on Logistic Common Problems of Armenia Discussed
    News 15.11.2022
    In case of bringing into life the ‘Gyumri Dry Port’ project a big philosophy will be changed in the whole logistic system of Armenia: Armenia will be observed as a transit country for the import and export of many goods. The Deputy Minister Armen Arzumanyan said about this. On November 15, in parliament a joint discussion on the logistic common problems, the existing obstacles and the formats of their solution was held of the Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs wi...

  • OSCE PA Young Delegates Discuss Challenges Aimed at Democracy, Issues on the Role of Youth in Containment-Based Security Threat
    News 13.11.2022
    On November 13, in the RA National Assembly the OSCE PA young delegates were hosted. The OSCE PA network of young parliamentarians is newly created, and it was formed at the beginning of this year. This is the fourth meeting of the delegates, which is held in our country. Armenia has the second youngest parliament in the world after Norway. In the OSCE PA the delegation of Armenia is the youngest one, which is conditioned by the representation of the young members in our parliament. ...

  • Committee Endorses Amendments and Addenda Being Proposed to the Law on Audiovisual Media
    News 08.11.2022
    Today, more than five dozen network operators function in the audiovisual media sphere, and now there is need to regulate the sequence of the audiovisual programmes. The Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport Sisak Gabrielyan said at November 8 sitting, presenting for debate in the first reading the draft law on Making Amendment and Addendum to the law on Audiovisual Media authored by him and the deputies Narek Babayan and Hakob Aslanyan. ...

  • Armen Gevorgyan: The Free World Now Faces Fateful Choices for the Maintenance and Development of Democracy
    News 08.11.2022
    On November 8, the Member of the RA NA Delegation to PACE, the key rapporteur on PACE Local and Regional Authorities Armen Gevorgyan gave a speech in the 10 th World Forum for Democracy held in Strasbourg. “ Distinguished participants, The developments of the past decade allow me to say that the free world now faces fateful choices for the maintenance and development of democracy. Such choices will either lead to firmly upholdi...

  • Issues of Liberalization of Electricity Market, Gas Supply and Electronic Communication Systems are at the Core of Budget Debates
    News 01.11.2022
    The 2023 budget of the Public Services Regulatory Commission is 1 billion 109 million AMD, of which 80% will be directed to the remuneration of work, and around 16% to the purchase of goods and services necessary for ensuring the normal operation of the Commission. 6.2% of the above-mentioned 16% will be directed to the acquisition of technical audit of the investments made by Electric Networks of Armenia and Gazprom Armenia companies last year. The Chairman of the Public Services Regulator...

  • Alen Simonyan Gives a Speech at Plenary Session of Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of CIS Member States: Policy of Threats and Coercion is Unacceptable for Us
    News 28.10.2022
    Distinguished Valentina Ivanovna, Dear colleagues, participants of the Session, I am glad to give a speech in the 54 th Plenary Session of the CIS Inter-Parliamentary Assembly. Today, our meeting goes on in the period of the geopolitical most difficult processes. For the first time I am giving a speech at the CIS IPA Plenary Session and I would prefer to speak about peace...

  • Hasmik Hakobyan’s Speech at 145th Inter-Parliamentary Union: Such Atrocities are the Result of the Consistent State Policy of Armenophobia in Azerbaijan
    News 14.10.2022
    The member of the RA NA delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Hasmik Hakobyan gave a speech at the 145 th IPU Assembly “ Dear colleagues, I represent the Republic of Armenia, which is small in area, but has given the world such outstanding people, as Charles Aznavour, William Saroyan, the first female diplomat in the world Diana Abgar and others. ...

  • Problems of Media Are at the Core of Discussions
    News 26.09.2022
    After the war the problems of the media field are perceived in another way because we consider as a priority the war and post-war problems: the Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs Taguhi Tovmasyan noted during the meeting held on September 26. The MP hosted the Head of the Council of Europe Office in Armenia Martina Schmidt, he Head of Division Cooperation on Freedom of Expression Ardita Abdiu and the International Expert Krisztina Rozgonyi. ...

  • Hasmik Hakobyan Inquires from Prime Minister: News is Circulated on Victims with Inflated Figures: How Many Victims Are There at This Moment
    News 14.09.2022
    The deputy of the NA Civil Contract Faction Haasmik Hakobyan inquired from the RA Prime Minister about the number of the victims of the Azerbaijani aggression, noting that from the previous day inflated figures are circulated especially on the social networks. The deputy noted that there is information also about the loss of territories. The Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan informed that today the specified number of the victims is 105. ”I once again bow my head before our martyrs,” the Pri...

  • According to Proposed Legislative Package, Authorizing Norms to Be Established
    News 07.09.2022
    The draft law o n Making Addendum to the Law on Postal Communication stipulates that the RA Government approves the procedure...

  • Tigran Hakobyan’s Candidacy to Be Nominated for Vacancy of Member on Commission of Television and Radio
    News 06.09.2022
    In accordance with the RA constitutional law the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly, Tigran Hakobyan’s candidacy was nominated by the Civil Contract Faction for the vacancy of the member of the Commission on Television and Radio (CTR). The issue of the latter’s candidacy was debated at September sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport. Now, Tigran Hakobyan is the CTR Chairman, his tenure will end after a few days. He was...

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