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Searched:   동인천출장샵이용안내[katalk:Za32]24시간 언제든지 예약 신용/믿음 안전파티 룸 모텔
  • Committee focuses on problems of energy supply system
    News 03.09.2024
    Recently, during the visits of the RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and the MPs to different settlements, citizens constantly raise the problems in the energy supply system: The Chair of the Standing Committee on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environment Protection Vahe Ghalumyan said this. The issue was debated during the work debate organized by the Committee on September 3. MPs, the Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Gnel San...

  • Meetings of delegates of House of Representatives of the Netherlands in Yerevan
    News 10.07.2024
    Bilateral relations, political dialogue, inter-parliamentary diplomacy. The above mentioned were the focus of the meetings of the delegates of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands. “We visited Armenia because we want to show the solidarity that the Dutch and the Dutch Parliament have towards the Armenian people,” the Head of the delegation of the House of Representatives of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Derk Boswijk said. ...

  • Alen Simonyan receives delegation of Parliament of the Netherlands: We attach importance to start of dialogue on liberalization of visas
    News 09.07.2024
    The RA NA President Alen Simonyan received the delegation of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives (Parliament) of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on July 9. He welcomed the delegation's visit to the RA National Assembly and noted that such visits are important from the viewpoint of deepening the existing cooperation between the two Parliaments. ...

  • Ruben Rubinyan receives delegation of Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs of House of Representatives (Parliament) of the Netherlands
    News 09.07.2024
    The RA NA Vice President Ruben Rubinyan received the delegation of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives (Parliament) of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on July 9. Charge d' Affairs of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Armenia Jaap Frederiks and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Armenia to the Netherlands Viktor Biyagov attended the meeting. ...

  • Parliamentary delegation of the Netherlands hosted by Standing Committee on Foreign Relations
    News 09.07.2024
    I appreciate your visit to our country. The relations between Armenia and the Netherlands are warm and friendly: The Chair of the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations of the National Assembly Sargis Khandanyan said at the meeting with the members of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives (Parliament) of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. ...

  • Tribute to Memory of Armenian Genocide Victims
    News 08.07.2024
    On July 8, the delegation of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, accompanied by the deputy of the RA NA Civil Contract Faction Maria Karapetyan and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia to the Netherlands Viktor Biyagov, visited the Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex. The members of the delegation laid a wreath at the monument perpetuating  ...

  • Hakob Arshakyan: The development of high technologies has a decisive role in increasing the competitiveness, security and standard of living of states
    News 26.06.2024
    On June 26, the Vice President of the National Assembly Hakob Arshakyan took part in the Third Annual Conference of the Armenian Society of Fellows (ASOF) in Matenadaran. “Armenia wants to be a successful and competitive country. We revise a number of programs to achieve that goal,” Hakob Arshakyan said, welcoming the participants of the Conference. ...

  • Business entities to be obliged to implement the requirement to provide the area with video surveillance systems after the package of drafts coming into force
    News 11.06.2024
    As a result of the adoption of the legislative initiative, the business entities will be obliged to provide the entrance of the facility and all the sides consecutively and high quality with video surveillance systems having the possibility of shooting in dark hours and preserve the video at least for 15 days. It refers to the banks, the loan organizations, the pawnshops, the pharmacies, the point with separated entrance for foreign currency exchange, the postal communication facilities,...

  • Kristine Ghalechyan: In near future, process of technical and economic assessment of Crossroads of Peace project will begin
    News 31.05.2024
    In 2023, the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure implemented 21 programmes and 138 measures. The amount was almost 270 billion AMD, the execution against the specified annual plan was 98.2%: The RA Minister of Finance Vahe Hovhannisyan said this at the joint sitting of the RA NA Standing Committees on Economic Affairs and on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs on May 31. On the agenda was the debate of the annual report of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and...

  • Anahit Manasyan: Our plan indicators of 2023 are mainly overdone
    News 30.05.2024
    In 2023, the Staff of the Human Rights Defender (HRD) had 1 programme and 5 measures. It had planned measures in the amount of 612mln AMD, the sum with a specified plan was reduced to 603mln AMD and 557mln AMD was factually spent. The performance for the specified budget is 92.3%: The RA Minister of Finance Vahe Hovhannisyan said this at May 30 joint sitting of the RA NA Standing Committees on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs and on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs. The deba...

  • Project Manager of Center for International and Legal Cooperation (CILC) Hosted in Parliament
    News 30.05.2024
    On May 30, the Chair of the Standing Committee on European Integration of the National Assembly Arman Yeghoyan, the Deputy Chair Meri Galstyan and the Member of the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Hripsime Grigoryan met with the Project Manager of the Center for International and Legal Cooperation (CILC) Hans van den Berg. Welcoming the guest, the Armenian parliamentarians highlighted the activity of the Center financed by the Government of the Netherlands aimed at providing ad...

  • Committee endorses drafts debated in second reading
    News 17.05.2024
    The proposing regulations are aimed at the rise of the implementation of the policy preventing the level road network and tunnel security, the decrease of their possible risks and road accidents. On May 17, at the sitting of the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs the Deputy Minister of the RA Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Kristine Ghalechyan said, presenting the package of draft laws on Making Amendments and Addenda to the RA law on Transport Road and on Making Addenda to t...

  • Work debate on theme The Mining Sector and Newly Built Roads in parliament
    News 02.05.2024
    The issue of roads being damaged by overloaded cars and the possible ways of solution were at the core of the work debate on the theme The Mining Sector and the Newly Built Roads. The work debate held on May 2 initiated the Deputy Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs Rustam Bakoyan, in which the Deputy Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Defense and Security Armen Khachatryan, the Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrast...

  • Parliament debates HRD annual programme and report
    News 02.05.2024
    The annual programme of the Human Rights Defender (HRD) and the annual report of the HRD as a prevention national mechanism show the problems existing I the sphere. The numerous problems, which were solved during the year, including also as a result of the Defender’s intervention. The RA Human Rights Defender Anahit Manasyan said, presenting the annual programme on the activity of the RA Human Rights Defender, on the state of protection of human rights and freedoms and the annual report on the...

  • Annual report on activity of Commission on Television and Radio for 2023 presented to Parliament
    News 30.04.2024
    The media being under the control of the Commission operated freely last year without interference from the authorities: The Chairman of the Commission on Television and Radio (CTR) Tigran Hakobyan noted, presenting the annual report on the activity of the Commission on Television and Radio in 2023 at the NA regular sitting on April 30. The CTR Chairman informed that every year the Commission sends an official written request to the network operators, licensed and authorized television a...

  • Annual report on 2023 activity of CTR debated in Committee
    News 26.04.2024
    It’s already the fourth year, I have to confirm that the media operating under the control of the Commission have acted freely, independently, without the interference of state institutions. Why are we confident, because at the end of each year, we send an official written request to all the broadcasters, network operators, licensed and authorized television and radio companies and ask whether there was any interference by the state in their activities: The Chairman of the Commission on Televi...

  • Annual report on activities of RA Human Rights Defender in 2023 debated
    News 25.04.2024
    In 2023, compared to the previous year, the number of applications addressed to the Human Rights Defender (HRD) increased, and the number of cases with a positive solution also increased significantly: In 2022, we had 1.282 cases with positive solutions, and in 2023 - 1.922 cases: The RA Human Rights Defender Anahit Manasyan said this. At the sitting of April 25 of the Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs, the RA Human Rights Defender Anahit Manasyan present...

  • RA NA President Alen Simonyan Meets with Heads of Parliaments in Spain
    News 22.04.2024
    The Delegation led by the RA NA President Alen Simonyan participates in the Conference of Speakers of European Union Parliaments in Palma of the Kingdom of Spain. The Conference of Speakers is a forum for the exchange of views, information and experiences among European parliaments, which promotes the role of parliaments, supports their cooperation and oversees the coordination of inter-parliamentary EU activities at the highest level. On April 21-22, the delegation led by the NA Pr...

  • Speech by RA NA President Alen Simonyan at the Conference of Speakers of European Union Parliaments
    News 22.04.2024
    Dear Mr. President, Dear Colleagues, Ladies and gentlemen, I want to express my gratitude for the invitation to participate in this conference and for the kind welcome extended to me in this charming city. Addressing my European colleagues on this platform for the first time is significant, and I sincerely appreciate the chance to do so. Dear colleagues, Given the conference ’ s focus on Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the Middle East conflict, I want to restate t...

  • Sona Ghazaryan gives a speech at PACE Session
    News 19.04.2024
    The member of the RA NA delegation to Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), the member of the NA Civil Contract Faction Sona Ghazaryan gave a speech at PACE Spring Session going on in Strasbourg. The MP noted: “Sometimes, just a click can lead a child into a vast forest of data that will shape their future. We must ensure strong security measures within the educational system to protect them while also fostering an environment where they feel safe to express themselves. ...

  • Parliament debates issues regarding ratification of international documents
    News 11.04.2024
    The MPs, continuing the work of regular sittings, adopted the legislative initiatives debated in the previous days by voting. The draft of the NA statement on delimitation and demarcation between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan proposed as a result of the debate on the urgent topic of problems of delimitation and demarcation between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan of public interest was not accepted. ...

  • Legislative initiative aimed at rise of level of road network and tunnel security
    News 09.04.2024
    The legislative package is aimed at the rise of the level of the road network and tunnel security, the reduction of their possible risks, the implementation of the preventing policy in the road accidents. The RA Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration Kristine Ghalechyan said this, presenting for debate in the first reading at April 9 NA sitting the legislative initiative on Making Amendments and Addenda to the RA law on Road Transport and on Making Addenda to the law on State Duty. ...

  • Alen Simonyan gives a speech at the 148th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
    News 24.03.2024
    Madam President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, Excellencies, Fellow parliamentarians, Ladies and gentlemen, In the beginning of my speech I want to state that we strongly condemn the terrorist attack that took place in Moscow city and claimed many lives. My condolences to the relatives of the victims and wishes for speedy recovery to those injured. I have the pleasure to greet you all in Geneva after a five-year hiatus and hope that the issues discussed at the...

  • High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs presents work done by office in 2023
    News 22.03.2024
    From June 1, 2023, the office opened the first Repatriation and Integration Center in Yerevan in cooperation with H. Hovnanyan Family Foundation. The center provides a wide range of individual services to repatriates, implementing measures aimed at the integration of repatriates. Presenting in detail the work done in 2023, the High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs Zareh Sinanyan said. The report on the process and the results of the implementation of the RA Government programme (2021-...

  • Amendments and addenda designed in Laws on Motorways and on State Duty
    News 13.03.2024
    The proposed amendments and addenda to the Laws on Motorways and on State Duty are aimed at increasing the safety level of the road network and tunnels, reducing their potential risks, and implementing a preventive policy in the direction of traffic accidents. The RA Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Kristine Ghalechyan said this at the sitting of the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs. The Deputy Minister highlighted the definition of a mandatory requir...

  • Purpose of legislative proposal is specification of legal relations in game activity sphere
    News 21.02.2024
    For the first time it will be possible to carry out control towards any party of the game sphere and to make the all required criteria verifiable, i.e. in terms of the rights of the consumers’ interests, the activity connected with the game product, game goods, the probability of winning will be completely verifiable, and the turnovers of the companies, the volume of the bets made will become verifiable and controllable, which will have an impact on tax incomes. The Chairman of the RA State Re...

  • Standing Committee on Economic Affairs debates legislative packages in second reading
    News 10.01.2024
    On January 10, at the sitting of the RA NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs administrative responsibility will not be applied by the adoption of the legislative package designing amendments and addenda to the RA Code on Administrative Offences debated in the second reading for not paying the duties and compulsory payments within the established term, as well as procedure issues will be regulated. The purpose is to raise the administration efficiency being implemented by the tax authority...

  • State duty to be imposed on export of semi-finished products obtained from scrap metal
    News 08.12.2023
    Since 2021, the RA Government has adopted a policy of extending value chains in the field of scrap metal. After that, the export of scrap metal was banned, during that period a number of metallurgical companies were opened and are being opened. As a result, that field is growing quite rapidly. The RA Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan, presenting the proposed addenda and amendments to the law on State Duty at the NA sitting, noted that there are two such factories in Charentsavan, there is als...

  • Legislative initiative is intended to balance interests of trade networks and suppliers, curb possible risks and ensure a fair and competitive environment
    News 08.12.2023
    As a result of adopting the drafts, it is expected to create the necessary, predictable and certain legal bases for trade network and supplier relations, as well as the sale market of agricultural products, which will contribute to the implementation of fair trade, including improving the competitive environment and increasing the protection of consumer rights. The RA Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan said this while presenting the legislative package on Making Amendments and Addenda to the L...

  • It is proposed to regulate commercial network-suppliers’ relations
    News 29.11.2023
    In recent years, the activity of large commercial networks has been developing and expanding at a rapid pace. The entry of trade networks has had a positive effect from the viewpoint of the consumers’ interests, on the one hand, by increasing the quality of service, ensuring the conditions of storage of goods, more pleasant environment for shopping, but on the other hand, it has led to the concentration of consumer goods. The RA Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan said this at the regular...

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