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Bills and International Agreements on State Border, Tax Spheres, State Property Privatisation Discussed at Sitting of Standing Committee
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At September 9 sitting moderated by Babken Tunyan, the RA NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs in the first reading debated the bill on Amending the RA Tax Code authored by the NA deputy Mikayel Melkumyan.

The endorsement of the government was not endorsed. Taking into consideration the importance of the item, the Chair of the Standing Committee proposed his colleagues to postpone the voting of the draft law up to two months, and the author accepted it.

The draft law on Amending the RA Law on State Property Privatisation 2017-2020 Programme, presented by the Deputy Chair of the State Property Management Committee of the RA Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Vardan Kostanyan.

Babken Tunyan and the Committee members considered inadmissible submitting for debate the same draft law for the third time without change. The draft law was not endorsed.

The draft law on Ratifying the Protocol on Exchange of Preliminary Electronic Data on the Transport Means and International Move of the Goods between the State Revenue Committee of the Republic of Armenia and the Ministry of Finance of Georgia, presented by the Deputy Chairman of the RA State Revenue Committee (SRC) Mikayel Pashayan. The MPs endorsed the draft law.

The draft law on Making Addenda to the Law on State Border authored by the deputies of the NA Prosperous Armenia Faction Artur Dallakyan, Artyom Tsarukyan, Artur Grigoryan, Arman Abovyan was discussed.

The Head of RA Urban Development, Technical Standards and Fire Safety Inspectorate Gegham Shakhbazyan proposed to postpone the voting of the item to regulate certain items. As a result of debate, the Committee endorsed the legislative initiative.

The Draft law on Making Addendum to the RA Law on State Duty authored by the Government, presented by the RA Deputy Minister of Health Anahit Avanesyan was debated in the first reading.

The bill was endorsed.

The NA deputy Artur Dallakyan presented the draft law on Making Amendment and Addendum to the RA Law on State Duty.

The Government did not present negative conclusion and proposed the authors to specify some provisions. As a result of debate, the draft law was endorsed.

The Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Armen Simonyan presented in the first reading the draft law on Amending the Law to State Property 2017-2020 Programme.

The Committee members endorsed the legislative initiative.

A number of bills and legislative packages were discussed and endorsed in the second reading.

The legislative package on Making Amendments and Addenda to the law on Licensing and envisaging amendments and addenda to the enclosed laws, presented to the Deputy Minister of RA Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Armen Simonyan.

The Committee endorsed the legislative package.

The bill on Amending the RA La on Aviation presented by the Government was debated in the second reading and endorsed.

The legislative package on Making Addenda to the Law on Licensing and on Making Addenda to the RA Code on Administrative Offences authored by the NA deputies Mkhitar Hayrapetyan, Nikolay Baghdasaryan and Narek Zeynalyan.

The legislative package on Making Addenda to the Law on Establishing the Order os Cadastre Assessment Approximated to Real Estate Market Price for Taxing the Real Estate was discussed in the first reading procedure.

The Committee made a decision to touch upon the item at September 10 sitting.

The draft law on Approving the Annual Report for 2019 of the Implementation of the State Property Privatisation 2018-2020 Programme was debated in the second reading, presented by the Deputy Chairman of the State Property Management Committee of the RA Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Vardan Kostanyan. The draft law was endorsed.

The remaining agenda items will be discussed at September 10 sitting of the Committee.

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