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“Concrete Steps to be Taken For Reforms”

On February 25 the sitting of RA NA President’s Scientists’ Council was held. Directors of institutions of RA Academy of Sciences, academicians attended the meeting, having the debate of the programme on reforms in the sphere of science on the agenda.

Artur Baghdasaryan, NA President, mentioned that the sitting was dedicated to the debate of the concept on reforms in the sphere of science and said that as a result of the debates they should pass a concept and carry out a programme, which aims at the development of science. The implementation of the amendments to RA Law on Scientific and Scientific Technical Policy was highlighted. The NA President noted that the Academy of Sciences is an institution of valuable traditions and has its contribution to the development of science. According to him, due to scientific reforms we shall have a system, promoting the development of the country. It was mentioned that it is impossible to have a competitive country or state without competitive science. The Parliament President assured that the National Assembly resolutely opposes the privatization of scientific buildings, informing that the studies of NA Control Chamber have shown at what low prices a number of scientific-industrial enterprises were sold: the scientific-industrial complex Orbita, assessed 3 billion drams, was sold for 116 million. The NA President believes that the reforms in the sphere of science should be carried out after the passage of the concept. Speaking on the state support of young scientists, Mr. Baghdasaryan mentioned that serious mechanisms are necessary for taking concrete steps. He observed that recently the organization of debates on science has increased in the press and different public auditoriums.

Henrik Bakunts, RA NA President’s Adviser, Coordinator of the Scientists and Health Care Councils, informed that the members of NA President’s Council of Scientists and MPs have visited 33 research institutions and made sure that the current situation in the sphere of science can be considered special, therefore it is necessary to take urgent steps in order to save science from demolition. Mr. Bakunts informed that by the decision of the government a committee and a working group were formed in the Academy of Sciences and they have started to develop the programme on the reforms in the sphere of science. Council members, scientists, collaborators of research institutions, representatives of public organizations and intellectuals took part in this process. It was noted that the suggestions voiced at the parliamentary hearings have been handed over to the working group. Henrik Bahunts said that the programme is ready and the government envisages debating it in May.

Edvard Ghazaryan, Deputy Chairman of RA Academy of Sciences, introduced the programme problems of the concept on the reforms in the sphere of science.According to him, the scientific worker is the most needy stratum of society in Armenia. It was mentioned that the scientist’s salary is 27000 drams by the 2006 budget, whereas under the Stalin regime, in the days of the tsar the Doctor of Science got the highest salary, 1,5 times more than ministers, secretaries of the regional committee and 4 times more than teachers. At present the scientific worker gets 10 times less than the minister. According to the academician, the state has never treated the scientists in such a way. It is set out in the concept that in 2007 the scientists’ salary shouldn’t be less than the average salary of budgetary office workers. It was informed that for the last 15 years the state has not contributed to the rearmament and modernization of scientific equipment: some institutions have obtained this or that scientific equipment or materials through money awards or state purposeful programmes. According to the concept the state should have a fund for young scientists, the goal of which should be to provide the most talented scientists with a highly paid job in scientific institutions on a competitive basis. In Armenia about 500 young people, who are candidates of science, work in great European scientific centers. The academician thinks that they have lost touch with them, whereas being out of Armenia they could be of great use to their country. The deepening of the integration of science and education, the development of the science-production link, namely the innovative policy, which assumes economical development, based on new knowledge, were highlighted in the concept. Edvard Ghazaryan informed that the document will still be debated in the Ministry of Science and Education, and then it will be presented for the government’s consideration. According to the academician’s approximate calculations, the sums given to science should be increased by 4-5 billion drams, otherwise the concept is not a salvation, too.

The SEUA (State Engineering University of Armenia) Rector Yuri Sargsyan mentioned that the development of innovative economy is of priority on the basis of European Industry. According to him, they should follow the suggestion of Europe on creating a general Lisbon programme.

Konstantin Gharagyozyan, Head of the Molecular Biology Institute, academician, observed that science is of strategic importance.

According to academician Radik Martirosyan, they should make an inventory in the sphere of science, namely to observe what traditions there are, what specialists the sphere needs and so on. Mr. Martirosyan touched upon the development of the credit programme, the investment of scientific outcomes and the issues of creating scientific educational centers.

The academician Vladimir Barkhudaryan, NA Deputy Chairman of the Academy of Sciences, touching upon Armenological problems noted that it is necessary to preserve the historical-cultural values of the Armenian people in order not to be neglected in the globalized world.

Summing up the outcomes of the sitting, Artur Baghdasaryan, NA President, highlighted the necessity of developing a distinct programme on activities after the passage of the concept on the reforms in the sphere of science. Mr. Baghdasaryan mentioned that they should develop a distinct credit programme, make an inventory in the sphere of science. Listening to the problem on the sale of scientific institutions, the scientists are concerned in, the NA President informed that the appropriation of scientific institutions is prohibited by law. According to him, active initiative policy will promote the reform of the system.

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