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In near future, procedure and conditions for remote work implementation, relations regarding compensation of necessary equipment, materials or expenses related to their acquisition to be established by law
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With the draft law on Making Amendments to the Labor Code of the Republic of Armenia, the Government proposes to define clear and flexible procedures for organizing remote work, to define the term ‘remote work’, as well as the procedure and conditions for the implementation of remote work, the relations concerning the compensation of costs regarding the necessary equipment, materials or their acquisition. This was stated by the RA Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Ruben Sargsyan at the regular sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Labor and Social Affairs on September 5, presenting the issue for debate in the first reading.

It was noted that remote work has been operating since the 1980s, it is used in the USA and a number of European countries. According to the Deputy Minister, remote work has a positive effect on increasing productivity.

According to Ruben Sargsyan, with the adoption of the draft, the employers and employees will have options for organizing work under no less favorable conditions, maintaining the labor rights and guarantees established for employees.

“By mutual agreement, remote work will be implemented in private and public sectors,” the Deputy Minister said.

The deputy of the NA Civil Contract Faction, a Committee member Zaruhi Batoyan, welcoming the adoption of the draft, inquired why priorities were not set for different groups and what the draft law would provide. “Are we giving serious definitions with the bill?” the deputy asked.

In response, the Deputy Minister mentioned that, first of all, the draft will ensure inclusion for the disabled. According to Ruben Sargsyan, priorities were not set for a simple reason: The notion of ‘agreement’ between the employer and the employee is defined.

The deputy of the NA Civil Contract Faction, the former RA Minister of Health Arsen Torosyan positively assessed the draft law. According to him, remote work was used during the covid period. “This draft makes the use of remote work more flexible,” Arsen Torosyan noted.

The Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Labor and Social Affairs Heriknaz Tigranyan stated that the issue was debated with the partners and employers of the Government. According to him, when organizing remote work, the employee must be available to the employer. It was noted that certain issues will be debated, and their solutions will be found during the period from the first to the second reading.

As a result of debate, the draft law was endorsed.

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