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Meeting of the President of the National Assembly Mr. Tigran Torosyan with Representatives of Media

On June 22 the President of the National Assembly Mr. Tigran Torosyan met the journalists in order to discuss the organizational works of the National Assembly.

The President of the National Assembly Mr. Tigran Torosyan particularly noted:

“This is our first meeting within the works of the parliament of the fourth convocation (this is the reason for inviting you here today). It is not a secret that after the elections of the National Assembly some organizational works are being done in order to get the parliament ready for its regular work. This concerns both the formation of committees, delegations and the provision of conditions necessary for the deputies’ work.

Fairly speaking, first I did not think it would make sense to speak with you on these themes, but when I saw that some responses and as if there were some fact being publicized in the media, I thought we should better meet. Before turning to these issues, I want to say the following: let’s agree that he work of the parliament will naturally be open for you, any information that will interest you, and that is possible to provide the media, will certainly be provided. If you have any questions, you should better clarify them in parliament, then in any rooms or even in any of the corners of the National Assembly through whispers. There is no secret from you and from the society related to the work of the parliament. This is a principle that will be respected without reservation. I would like you to respect this principle too. Let’s agree that we will work together in an open, honest and sincere manner, so that the parliament be better, serve better our society, and so that the work of the parliament be useful for our society. That’s what I wanted to tell you first of all, and I hope that we have made an agreement. If there are objections or suggestions, please, go ahead, you can make them. If no, we can pass to the other issues. Thank you for the agreement.

There are some issues related to the inner life of the parliament, about which I would like to speak. The first one concerns the working conditions of the deputies and journalists, because the nature of our work is so that it is inseparable from that of the journalists. In difference with other state bodies, during the whole process of that work you may participate in it, when you consider necessary. Consequently, if we speak about working conditions, we have to speak about the working conditions of all of us. From this point of view, what has been done and is being already finished is of temporary nature. I have to present two considerations to explain this. First, as you know, there is a new subsidiary building under construction behind this one. When it completes, we will have full working conditions both for the deputies and for the journalists. Each of the deputies will have his/her office in difference with today’s situation. The committees will also have equal and full conditions, both in the aspect of territory and technical possibilities. Unfortunately, at this moment it is not possible to create equal conditions in territorial aspect for known reasons. The following principle of territorial distribution was chosen - those deputies that worked in the parliament of the previous convocation, stayed with their existing conditions, of course, if someone had not been elected as chairman of committee, although, in these cases too we had tried to create equal conditions. The other offices have been distributed proportionally among the factions. I think at least for this one year the committees have equal conditions. In the nearest future there will be some improvements within the short period, but a fundamental improvement will be the operation of the new subsidiary building. Now, there is a schedule of work, which has to be strictly followed, and we will strictly control it. According to that schedule, the works will be completed approximately next year at this time, and we shall use the summer holidays to make the two buildings a complex. As regards the conditions, at that time, naturally you also will have conditions for work, much better ones than now. The session hall will also change. Unfortunately, during this period as it turned necessary to continue the works of the parliament till the end of June, there is no more time to make changes. But I am confident, that as soon as we start to operate the new subsidiary building, we shall also work in the new hall and from September 2008 the sessions will be held in the new hall, which will have a new appearance and new possibilities, including for you. That was all about the working conditions.

As you know, the nine committees are finally formed. Of course, changes are not excluded. The deputies may change their committees, but this cannot bear a massive nature. On the other hand, we may not distort the balance already established. The committees have 12-15 deputies. I think this difference is normal, although in the beginning the s were much greater – from 10 to 16. In the course of time we have managed to make redistributions and provide the more or less equal number of members of committees.

The delegations are not formed yet for one simple reason. They are formed according to the proportionalities that I have presented to the factions, but they have not presented their candidates yet. A part of them has suggested candidates, the others - no. When the delegations are completely formed, at that time the heads of delegations will be appointed. By the way, I want to remind that the power of forming the delegations is that of the President of the National Assembly, who has to consult with the factions. Consultations with factions have already taken place, and we will have more consultations if there are any questions. As for the delegations, I want to touch upon the issue of PACE delegation. The work in Strasbourg will start already on June 25, and the work of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly will start in the beginning of July. As no delegation is formed, yet by the factions, for now we have decided to find intermediary solutions. Later, till the first ten-day period of July, it will be possible to form the new delegations. Until then, in the works of PACE and OSCE Parliamentary Assembly will participate those deputies, that have worked in the delegations of the previous convocation, particularly those, who have been sent on mission to Strasbourg – Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Mr. Armen Roustamyan and Mrs. Hermineh Naghdalyan. There is no sense to guess who is going to head the delegations, that is not formed yet. If you have any questions, I will answer them. Moreover, if there has been an answer to your question, don’t try to make any suppositions under the veil of mystery, etc., it becomes funny. It’s very much like when on May 8 the journalists were asking where I was going to work after the elections: I told them clearly and distinctly, in parliament, then they began to publish some information doing some favour to some people, which was really funny, and it became evidently clear that it wasn’t worth being engaged in such things. The same was connected with PACE: some time ago when a question has arisen by the journalists, there was a clear answer that I would not be the head of delegation. The reason was not that I didn’t make an emphasis on the work of the delegation. No, because I highlight very much, and in connection with the work of the past four years I have special attitude towards that delegation and works in PACE. I think in the aspect of obligations undertaken before our country, this is the most responsible and most important structure for us and for our parliament, and here we shall have certainly special attention. One thing is evident, that the NA President, if he finds an opportunity to take part in the sessions four times in a year, which is also very difficult, as its duration is one week, in contrast to the works of many, many structures, it won’t be simply possible to take part in the sessions of the committee during the period between them. So, that is why I decided that it will be right to focus and support the work of that delegation, appoint another deputy as a head of delegation, naturally from the members of the delegation. Here is the problem. I think that the members of the delegation will not only fully work in Strasbourg and not only in Strasbourg, but also they will efficiently work in other delegations in the works of the plenary sessions, committees and political groups. It has also been said to the heads of the factions. It’s very important that when the delegations are formed or suggestions are made by the factions for the inclusion in the delegations, all this will be taken into consideration. There will be people who can and want to work hard in those delegations. As regards the technical possibilities, this will be taken into consideration, I mean the knowledge of languages, about which two requirements have been submitted: first – at least excellent knowledge of Russian and English or French, which are official languages in this or that Assembly, at least working knowledge is required, i.e. the deputy could work on the document, make amendments and submit, which is very necessary in the committees during the work. Eventually, the result of those works are the documents, the speeches are important, but they are forgotten in a week or two, the documents remain, therefore this is a very important requirement that must be submitted to the members of the delegations.

In connection with the plates of the cars there have been publications too. About one and a half dozen plates of the parliament are on the cars, which have no relation with the parliament, and those will be proposed to give back to the National Assembly during a certain period of time, if not, there are mechanisms, with the application of which it can be possible to do. I am more than convinced that there are no people in them, on whose cars those plates are, so they can feel upset, if they have other plates on their cars. So, I hope that during a short period the plates will be returned to the parliament, there are no difficulties. I think today there was no publication, that there were some difficulties; simply every work has its time. Moreover, in the course of time a great mess has been created around the plates of the NA cars, which are registered in the police. Time is needed for regulation, but this will be regulated, i.e. there must not be any car in the parliament, on which a plate is registered in the police, but that plate on another car or there is another plate on that car. All this must be settled. Some people can take it as a trifle or technical problem, but I think everything must be in order in the National Assembly. If we want our law to be respected in our country, then the laws, orders and rules, first of all, must be respected in the National Assembly. I hope that the MPs realize that clearly, and they will do everything, so it will take place, and not only the MPs, but also people, who once in this or that way had related to those issues.

And the last issue: it relates to the staff of the National Assembly. At the session of the National Assembly and during the meeting with the staff of the National Assembly I have seen very clearly the following: the National Assembly has received new powers and new mission in our political life, so the staff will have new qualities, so the National Assembly can fully carry out its mission. Therefore, improvements will be made in the staff of the National Assembly: this does not mean dissatisfaction from anybody’s work, and it does not mean that non-adequate attitude will be towards anybody. Quite the contrary, the obligations, powers enshrined by each post should be clearly formulated, opportunities should be created for fully carrying them out and an unreservedly requirement should be for the fulfillment of all that. Those, who will fully work, glory and honour to them, they will certainly be encouraged, those who won’t work or who won’t have decent attitude or won’t realize that it’s an honour to work in the staff of the National Assembly, will look for another job. Everything must be done within the framework of law unreservedly, and the staff will have new qualities, I don’t have any doubt.

During the meeting the President of the National Assembly Mr. Tigran Torosyan answered the journalists’ questions.

“Taregir” newspaper : “Mr. Torosyan, you mentioned that an important precondition for being included in a delegation is the excellent knowledge of two foreign languages. Are you sure that the form of the delegation will be completed?”

NA President : “You know, it’s a little bit strange for me, when I say something, and a couple of minutes later I am being ascribed a totally different thing. I said, that taking into consideration our experience, the following requirement about languages will be presented. First, it’s the excellent knowledge of the Russian language, the requirement of which I think is fair, and second, it is desirable to have a working knowledge of one of the two official languages. I want to remind that Russian is a working language particularly in PACE, but it is necessary to have at least such a knowledge of French or English, which will make possible to work with the documents.

“Taregir” newspaper : Do we have so many deputies?

NA President : It has been a suggestion made to the factions. We will see what they suggest.I think we must do everything possible. In the sitting of the committee the MP is given a file, where he/she will have an agenda, reports concerning the agenda issues, resolutions, etc. Of course, the MP, the delegation and the parliament must work also till Strasbourg or going to other place, but there are fewer issues, about which the document is given in the very place. So, the man must be able to work there, if he can’t, so he will take part at that sitting or not, it’s the same, it won’t be allowed. If the document went away, you can’t run after it or you can’t say, you know, wait for me to go for a few days or a week, let the translator or other person help me to work on this document. Who is aware more or less to work in such environment, must know that at plenary sessions issues are not solved, you managed to solve the issues at those sittings of the committees and factions with the speakers, then you will succeed, if not, then how heartbreaking speech you have at the plenary session, the people will follow what the speaker says and what the committee says. This is a very important indicator - here taking into consideration these peculiarities we’ll see and evaluate together the results. This is the conclusion of the four-year work experience and eventually people that are involved in the delegations, must go to work.

Aravot Daily : Mr. Torosyan, we shall simply specify: you have named two deputies who have been already sent to Strasbourg. Did you invite those former members who are not deputies today? And if you invited them what answers have you received? And will you go personally on this session or not? Thanks.

NA President : If I went I would tell that they are three not two. This is the first one. It would be good, if this question was asked yesterday before the publication, but that is ok there isn’t any problem. Actually related to the terms of our elections we appeared in a situation, when the formation of the new delegation became problematic (I have already told why), and a part of the previous delegation is not deputies any more. In this aspect, it has been decided to send two persons taking into consideration that the special issues related to our country will not be discussed at the session; there is only one issue related to the results of the parliamentary elections, which will be submitted to the report of the PACE Bureau. The first issue that is always discussed at the first day of each session is the report of the Bureau where it is presented what has been done during the last three or six months. Naturally, the elections are also reflected in this report, as it is a usual process during which any resolution isn’t presented. There may be speeches, but this discussion hasn’t any consequences. And taking into account all this, I have thought the following: first of all, if none will attend that session at all, it will be incorrect from the view of our parliament and our country. And it was considered to send two deputies from former delegation to be able to provide the presence at this intermediate session, as well as to get out of the created situation. It is clear that today Mr. Demirchyan told in Aravot daily that it would be inexpedient to send not the deputies. This is the only reason to do that in this way. Even in this parliament not all the members of the former delegation went, only two persons to ensure the presence of our parliament at this session. This is the reality. Naturally, if there were another problem then Mr. Demirchyan, Mr. Geghamyan and Mr. Arsenyan would be informed.We, I think, successfully cooperated and worked in Yerevan as well as in Strasbourg. And the attitude towards them remained the same. Moreover, I think, that we may find various opportunities for further cooperation with them.

Noyan Tapan information Agency: Mr. Torosyan who will go to the Parliamentary Assembly of OSCE in the beginning of July?

NA President : Mr. Vahan Hovhannisyan and probably Mr. Samvel Nikoyan will participate at the works of the PA OSCE. We shall see if the technical problems will not arise Mr. Samvel Nikoyan will also participate. As you remember we have three deputies there:Mr. Vahan Hovhannisyan, Mr. Samvel Nikoyan and Artashes Geghamyan.

Interfax Agency : Mr. Torosyan, the first question relates to the Gabala station, which is located in Azerbaijan. Doesn’t the fact that the Russian Federation and the United States of America can use the station together worry you and how it will be reflected on the situation in the region - positively or negatively? And the second question is if the Karabakh conflict will be settled during the nearest five years will it be settled during the execution of this parliament? What are the approaches of this parliament: have they stayed constant and from what will not the parliament recede in the Karabakh issue in no case?

NA President : What relates to Gabala, at first the announcement of the President of the Russian Federation seemed a little bit unexpected, but soon, after two days all became clear. Today I think we can say that the number of people who believe that finally this cooperation will become reality is not big enough. It was interesting, very interesting proposal, but it is more likely that it will remain as an interesting political step. The second - I think that first of all we should think of those questions (from the point of view of the influence on the regional or various questions) in which we are involved in this or that form or degree. Nothing will be changed if we think more or less about Gabala, hence, the efforts should be applied rightly in the direction where we can play the certain role. And the last one: if the agreement on Gabala will have an opportunity to get more or less real shape it is evident that the countries of the region can get their estimations and the ideas related to the future, but meanwhile there are no bases for such estimations. What relates to the Karabakh issue, I think that the factions of the parliament of the fourth convocation will also have occasions and opportunities to express their joint point of view on Karabakh issue. But I would like to tell what I have presented to our colleagues who visited Armenia recently: the first one is that I am more than confident, that Azerbaijan hasn’t any desire to settle the Karabakh conflict: the statements on the resolution of the problem through war, on immediate returning of the territories, etc. are simple false statements for the decision of the various problems. Recently, statements of the various political forces in protection of the policy pursued by Ilham Aliev in the Karabakh issue have become frequent in Azerbaijan. It is evident that ahead is the elections and it is necessary to heat the Katabakh theme. Other issue is the propaganda of the hatred, which is not reduced in Azerbaijan. The most natural and important index for me undertaken in the direction of the settlement of the Karabakh conflict is the attitude of the real steps and desires towards the neighbor people and their state. What is done in Azerbaijan obviously shows that they absolutely do not have any desire to settle the issue as in this case they should at least visually lower the level of the anti-Armenian propaganda and prepare people for the settlement as they perfectly know, that henceforth Karabakh will never be in the structure of Azerbaijan, and they should prepare their people for this. If they do not want to admit it and do not aspire to lower the hatred in people, so they don’t have any desire to solve the problem. By the way, the created situation, probably, is not so bad for them. While the conflict is not settled, they can always tell, that they will destroy everything by the force of the weapon to return Karabakh, and they will stand before their people in the image of "patriot;" the second that they will convince their people that it doesn’t matter that they live poorly and it doesn’t matter that they have a lot of difficulties, but they will settle the Karabakh conflict and they will direct the enormous sums accumulated from the sale of oil to the military budget. The military budget, I think, is very attractive for them for the reason evident for all of us. The articles envisaged for the defense in the budget of each country are less transparent. And all these realities show that Azerbaijan hasn’t any desire to settle the issue. I am confident that all other statements have exhausted a long time ago. They do not have even a desire in their heart to start war as they want to remind that when they started it for the first time they had no less advantage in human, financial and military resources in comparison with Armenia and Karabakh. The huge arsenals located near Аghdam and other settlements have passed to Azerbaijanis, not mentioning the fact that the Soviet tank columns under the Azerbaijan flags also attacked Karabakh. They perfectly know that the fate of the war is not decided by having more or less than ten tanks or three planes: here was completely another war. So is the reality: that means that the Azerbaijanis do not wish the settlement of the Karabakh conflict, nothing more. This is my estimation.

Azatutyun (Liberty) Radio Station : Mr. Torosyan, for working in what committee has applied the most part of the deputies beforehand and the second question is approximately when are you expecting the activity program of the government?

NA President : Probably, the government will present the activity program to the National Assembly on Monday and it will be discussed within 48 hours. The great part of the applications was for the work at the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs, i.e. at the Standing Committees on Economic Affairs and on the Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs as well as at the Standing Committee on Defense.

Chorord Ishkhanutyun newspaper : You also have declared that for serving to some people’s efforts there is something printed in mass media…

NA President : I think you know about that better than me.

Chorord Ishkhanutyun newspaper : I would like you to quote …

NA President: To tell the truth, I have never been interested in it.I think you are better informed in that issue than me.

Chorord Ishkhanutyun newpaper : And have you already received the application of Zharangutyun party related to the recommendation letter and what will be your steps?

NA President : I shall answer that letter tomorrow, but I would like to tell you the following: this letter is unacceptable for me as it confirms that there are political prisoners in Armenia. Certainly, I welcome the activity and desire of the Zharangutyun party for presenting rather interesting statements from the very beginning, but I think, we should be very careful in formulations. Fortunately, during many years there were no political prisoners in Armenia. Hence, the other part became minor for me: that means that the enclosed letter, where it is spoken about the political prisoners, already predetermines the answer.

Azatutyun (Liberty) Radio Station : Mr. Torosyan, does that mean that Alexander Arzumanyan is a criminal?

NA President : I consider that the persons about whom it is spoken in this letter, are not political prisoners, there are no political prisoners in Armenia. The concept "political prisoner" is not formulated by someone's desire. There are precise formulations by which it is determined whether this or that person is a political prisoner or not. The rest are speculations, and what relates to Alexander Arzumanyan all the answers will be given after the investigation. Today, nobody has the right to give any estimation, as it is impossible to give estimations hung in the air. The facts will be submitted to us, and each of us can give estimations on the basis of those facts.

Azatutyun (Liberty) Radio Station : Mr. Torosyan, haven’t your current party fellows political prisoners in the Soviet prisons?

NA President : I think that it is already the times to know that the Soviet Union doesn’t exist anymore in this territory, and the situation is quite different. During the rule of the Soviet Union the President of the Parliament and the journalists neither communicated in this way, nor they had the opportunity to ask such questions to the President of the Parliament of the Soviet Union. So, I think there are numerous facts to feel that there isn’t the Soviet Union for a long time, and the comparisons are inappropriate.

ArmInfo Agency : Mr. Torosyan, in which committee did not the deputies express desire to be included; I mean which committee was the less popular?

NA President : I think, the committees are working places, and it will be correct to have appropriate approach to that issue. "Popular, "unpopular," etc. are not the correct estimations for the committees. I think if the deputies went to work in this or that committee, by the way, it is made voluntary according to the Rules of Procedure, it means that they have considered that it is right to work there, as the false rumors and gossips haven’t any price in parliament and outside it. There is something evident that if something is spoken by whisper, that means that there is something not so right, that someone wants something to be spread but I, telling the truth, see during my contacts with people outside the usual politics, that they became more indifferent to that rumors. It is not known why people, somehow involved in politics and journalists become interested in these rumors. I think you should present interesting things to the society.

Aravot Daily: Mr. Torosyan, let’s return to Raffi Hovhannisyan’s letter, which you are going to answer tomorrow. If the word "political prisoner" will be dropped from the text of this letter, do you agree with the principles and humor of the letter?

NA President : You mean that now we should be engaged in a guessing? Mr. Hovhannisyan has already written and sent the letter. I have read it and I have expressed my attitude and I’ll give the answer. And time will show what will be after that. You will surely know what will be. I have nothing to hide.

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