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Meetings in the NA Standing Committees
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On April 16 the Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Territorial Management and Local Self-Government Stepan Margaryan and the Deputy Chairman of the Committee Araik Hovhannisyan met with the head of the city, rural communities and the women member of the elders of the “Association of Women with University Education” and the local self-government bodies.

Jemma Hasratyan, the Head of the “Association of Women with University Education,” said that by the support of the UN and the EU, various programmes were implemented in the marzes of the republic.

The participants of the meeting also touched upon other problems and issues relating to the community and presented proposals for their solution.

The Committee Chairman and the Deputy Chairman expressed readiness to debate the proposals and promote the settlement of the issues, avoiding the artificial intervention.

On the same day the Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs Elinar Vardanyan also met with the head of the city, rural communities and the women member of the elders of the “Association of Women with University Education” and the local self-government bodies.

At the women’s request the Committee Chair presented the spheres of the committee activity, particularly touching upon the issues on the women’s rights.

The women members of the community elders touched upon the numerous problems existing in the communities, got acquainted with each other’s concerns and achievements, presented recommendations, on the basis of which, as Mrs Vardanyan noted, legislative draft laws were going to be elaborated.

Parliamentary Hearings on Investment Process of Programme Budgeting
The RA NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs on April 16 convened parliamentary hearings with the participation of the deputies, representatives of the NGOs and international organizations and state institutions to discuss the investment process of programme budgeting.The C...

International Seminar on the Theme “Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector” in the National Assembly
On April 16 in the RA National Assembly the international seminar on the theme “Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector” launched, where NA deputies, international experts, representatives of the security bodies and NGOs.Koryun Nahapetyan, the Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Defense,...

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