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National Assembly Begins to Debate the Draft Decision “On Approving the Annual Report of the Execution of the RA State Budget for 2013”
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On June 10 the National Assembly continued the work of the four-day sittings and by voting passed the bills debated on the previous day and ratified the agreements.

The RA Deputy Minister of Finance, Chief Treasurer Atom Janjughazyan submitted to the deputies’ debate the draft decision “On Approving the Annual Report of the Execution of the RA State Budget for 2013.”

The RA CB Deputy Chairman Nerses Yeritzyan in his speech presented the conclusion of the RA Central Bank.

Seyran Avagyan, the member of the RA Control Chamber Council, presented the endorsement of the RA Control Chamber on the draft decision “On Approving the Annual Report of the Execution of the RA State Budget for 2013,” as well as the recorded deviations.

The Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs Gagik Minasyan presented the endorsement of the Committee on the document.

The speakers also answered the deputies’ questions.

The debate of the issue will continue at the NA June 11 sitting.

The last hour of the NA last sitting, according to the NA Rules of Procedure, was allotted to the deputies’ announcements.

Chairman of the NA Standing Committee Meets with the Head of Representation of Russian Cooperation
On June 10 the Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Artak Zakaryan met with Mark Kalinin, Head of the Representation of Russian Cooperation.Artak Zakaryan expressed satisfaction with the initiatives of the Representation of Russian Cooperation, the humanitarian programmes imple...

Press Conference in the Parliament
On June 10 the press conference of the representatives of the PAP, the ANC, the ARF and the Heritage factions was held, and the Head of the Heritage faction Rubik Hakobyan read the statement comprised of 12 items presented by the NA four non-power forces, where it says that the abovementioned factio...

Awarding Ceremony at the National Assembly
The RA NA President Galust Sahakyan awarded RA National Assembly Medals of Honour to Science representatives for their major contribution to science, education and valuable scientific-pedagogical activity on June 10th in the Gilded Hall of the parliament dedicated to the 95th jubilee of the establis...

RA NA President Galust Sahakyan Receives the Ambassador of Japan to the RA
On June 10 the RA NA President Galust Sahakyan received Chikahito Harada, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Japan to the RA. The Head of the Armenia-Japan Friendship Group Samvel Farmanyan and the RA General Secretary Hrayr Tovmasyan attended the meeting.The NA President highlighted th...

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