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Ruben Rubinyan receives delegation led by Minister of State at Federal Foreign Office of Germany
On July 13, the Vice President of the National Assembly Ruben Rubinyan received the delegation led by the Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany Tobias Lindner.Welcoming the guests, Ruben Rubinyan valued the cooperation with Germany. The NA Vice President ...

Representatives of NGOs develop a document in order to record and coordinate problems of charity sector, which they present to opposition MPs
The members of the NA Armenia Faction Elinar Vardanyan and Anna Grigoryan met with the representatives of non-governmental organizations (NGO) engaged in charity, according to their application on July 13.In order to record and coordinate the problems of the charity sector in our country, the repres...

Parliament finishes work of extraordinary session convened today
On July 13, the National Assembly debated and adopted the draft law on Making Addendum to the Law on the Structure and Activities of the Government authored by the Government in the second reading, as well as the legislative package on Making Amendments and Addenda to the Law on Regulation of Arms C...

Standing Committee on Defense and Security endorses legislative initiative authored by Government
The NA Standing Committee on Defense and Security debated and endorsed the package of drafts on Making Amendments and Addenda to the Law on Regulation of Arms Circulation and on Making Addenda and Amendment to the Law on State Duties at the extraordinary sitting of July 13 in the second reading auth...

Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs endorses draft debated in second reading
In the extraordinary sitting of July 13, the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs debated the draft law on Making Addendum to the Law on the Structure and Activities of the Government in the second reading , by which it is proposed to supplement Article 7 of the law with a new part with ...

Legislative initiative of Government regulates a number of legal issues arising in legal practice of arms circulation
The adoption of the package of drafts on Making Addenda and Amendments to the Law on Regulation of Arms Circulation and on Making Addenda and Amendment to the Law on State Duties is conditioned by the necessity to eliminate the problems arising in law enforcement practice and the existing legal inco...

Right to import fire products to be restricted
On July 13, in the NA extraordinary session, the draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the Law on Licensing and the package of the related draft laws were debated in the second reading.The key rapporteur, the Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth ...

Issue of ratifying Agreement regarding activity of German companies in our country debated
In the extraordinary session of July 13, the National Assembly debated the draft law on ratifying the Agreement concluded in the form of exchange of bids on the establishment of local offices of the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) LLC and the Credit Institute for Reconstruction (KF...

Addendum to RA Law on Structure and Activities of Government
On July 13, on the initiative of the Government, the National Assembly convened an extraordinary session with the agenda set by the initiator. According to the NA decision, the second reading debate of a number of draft laws will take place within twenty-four hours after their adoption in the first ...

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