National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia | Official Web Page | www.parliament.amNational Assembly of the Republic of Armenia | Official Web Page |
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Dear friend,

You are on the official website of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, the highest representative body of the Republic of Armenia.

The National Assembly is formed exclusively through the expression of the free will of our citizens. The parliament is one of the symbols of the statehood of Armenia, the embodiment of many years' aspirations of the Armenian people. The mission of the legislature is to form the key guidelines for ensuring the productivity of the vital activity of the society.

One of the main goals of the National Assembly is to ensure the state-society bilateral communication, which is of paramount importance for the continuous development of our nation and strengthening its place and role in the world. Parliament is widely involved in the activity of establishing public and political decisions.

The official website of the National Assembly has a rich information base. With an accessible and simple structure, you can easily navigate here, find the information you need, and gain a vast store of knowledge.

We wish you a productive work.

Welcome to the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia.


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CPD courses being considered mandatory for healthcare professionals It is proposed by law to design
The necessity of the draft adoption is conditioned by the definition of the requirement of mandatory participation of some courses being topical and i...
With draft, NSS to more effectively carry out its function of interagency oversight of confidentiality regime
The aim of the draft is to increase the level of confidentiality regime in state and local self-government bodies, organizations and legal entities, t...
Alen Simonyan expresses hope that Luxembourg will make efforts to return Armenian captives to Armenia
On September 9, the RA NA President Alen Simonyan received the delegation led by the Vice Prime Minister of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Ministe...
A number of drafts debated in second reading at NA regular sitting
At September 9 regular sitting, the National Assembly debated a number of drafts in the second reading.The law on Export and Import of Cultural Values...
Joining Protocol to contribute to digitization of freight services
On June 9, 2006, Armenia joined the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR). In 2008, the aforementioned Conv...
Proposed amendments to RA Tax Code debated
The initiative proposes to establish an authorizing norm for the Government, by which the Executive will have the opportunity to establish privileges ...
Process of drug destruction by initiative to be carried out with direct participation and video recording of the inspection body representative
The adoption of the drafts is conditioned by the necessity of checking in the control of drug circulation by the RA Health and Labor Inspection body, ...
It is proposed to establish June 17 Father’s Day
It is designed by the proposing draft to establish June 17 Father’s Day: The Deputy of the NA Civil Contract Faction Zaruhi Batoyan said at September ...
It is proposed to reform the legislative field and to remove inconsistencies existing in the laws
It is proposed to reform the legislative field, excluding the existing inconsistencies. The package of the draft laws on Amending the Civil Code of th...
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