National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia | Official Web Page | www.parliament.amNational Assembly of the Republic of Armenia | Official Web Page |
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Dear friend,

You are on the official website of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, the highest representative body of the Republic of Armenia.

The National Assembly is formed exclusively through the expression of the free will of our citizens. The parliament is one of the symbols of the statehood of Armenia, the embodiment of many years' aspirations of the Armenian people. The mission of the legislature is to form the key guidelines for ensuring the productivity of the vital activity of the society.

One of the main goals of the National Assembly is to ensure the state-society bilateral communication, which is of paramount importance for the continuous development of our nation and strengthening its place and role in the world. Parliament is widely involved in the activity of establishing public and political decisions.

The official website of the National Assembly has a rich information base. With an accessible and simple structure, you can easily navigate here, find the information you need, and gain a vast store of knowledge.

We wish you a productive work.

Welcome to the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia.


 All news
Points given to drivers to increase from 9 to 13: Draft law debated in first reading
The NA Standing Committee on Defense and Security endorsed the draft law on Amending the Code on Administrative Offenses authored by the NA deputies A...
Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan meets with Civil Contract Faction in parliament
On February 26, the meeting of the Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan with the Civil Contract Faction in the National Assembly. Members of the Government ...
Outgoing joint meeting of NA Standing Committees at Nairi Municipality
The NA Standing Committees on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs and on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environ...
Levon Kocharyan meets with students
On February 26, the deputy of the Armenia Faction Levon Kocharyan met with the students of the RA Public Administration Academy, Yerevan State Univers...
Standing Committee on Economic Affairs debates in second reading a number of drafts
At February 26 sitting, the Standing Committee in the second reading debated a number of drafts authored by the Government. The Deputy Chair of the Co...
Initiative defines concept of a convertible loan agreement and main conditions for its application
The initiative proposes to make amendments to the RA Civil Code, the Laws On Limited Liability Companies and On Joint-Stock Companies, defining therei...
Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs endorses drafts debated in second reading
On February 26, the Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs of the National Assembly debated in the second reading the draft law on Making Adden...
It is proposed to exempt private bonds from income tax for a period of three years
According to the law adopted in 2020 for the development of the capital market, securities issued by private companies and the income received from th...
Proposing addenda to improve tax environment for rental and leasing of vehicles
The purpose of the proposing amendments to the RA Tax Code is to provide an exception to the application of the regulations for vehicles classified un...
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