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“Fridtjof Nansen” Medal to NA Vice Speaker Vahan Hovhannisyan

On May 19 RA NA Vice Speaker Vahan Hovhannisyan was awarded the “Fridtjof Nansen” Golden medal for public-political, humanitarian activities and for the work done towards genocide condemnation by the “Fridtjof Nansen” Fund.

“It is a great honor to be awarded this medal. The Fund is well known as serious public institution. Recently, at the History Faculty in Yerevan State University a new auditorium has been opened and furnished by the Fund’s resources. The Fund bears the name of one of the greatest Armenians friends, world famous humanitarian scientist’s name, whose role is difficult to underestimate in Armenian history. With regard to the fight against genocide results our society necessitates to point at the individuals who have some contribution in that sphere, the values of their work. In this regard I cannot consider myself as a real owner of the medal because it was given to the ARF bureau, for my contribution in their activities. And this volume is not the work done by one person, it is not the work done even by one body. It is the work done by the offices, spread all over the world, by all compatriots, and during last years by our foreign relations institutions and services,” said Vice Speaker Vahan Hovhannisyan.

The Dean of History Faculty of Yerevan State University Hayk Avetisyan mentioned that Vahan Hovhannisyan at the beginning of scientific activity and later displayed himself as a high-quality intellectual, good scientist, brilliant teacher.

At the end of the meeting, NA Vice Speaker Vahan Hovhannisyan answered reporters’ questions:

“Who will come to the Parliament instead of Levon Mkrtchyan?”

“Supreme Body decides these questions. Levon Mkrtchyan was appointed a Minister of Education and Science, and Gegham Manukyan will occupy his position in the National Assembly. The issue of Faction’s Head election is in the process of debates.”

“Whose candidacy is being discussed?”

“No need to discuss that issue now.”

“Is Hrayr Karapetyan’s name on that list?”

“Why not?”

“Does ARF party participate in the debates on NA Presidency?”

“The framework of agreements that took place is known to you. Other issues are still in the process of debates, and we are not too active in that.”

“The fourth member of the Party left for the Government. Has your responsibility degree increased?”

“I may say, it has increased too much, but we are ready to this responsibility, especially in the spheres such as human resources, experience, determination?”

If, in the result of the reforms in the NA, there is a need of forming a stable majority, must this new majority forming unit become a member of ruling coalition, or it can be joined only just by political statement?”

“I think it is also possible to do just only by political statement, since it is less than a year before the elections, and even less time is left before the beginning of real pre-election campaign. I think it is possible to organize the cooperation by your pointed way during this period: by political decision or by political negotiation on every disputable issue.”

“Does ARF Party have some jealousy toward RPA Party as they have more positions?”

“Jealousy is not a political category. It is spread in human relationships, and our relationships are only of political and partnership character.“

“Will ARF Party have positions in future position distribution in Executive Body?”

“I think, yes. It will not get the position of Minister, but the Executive Body is rather extensive and broad network, and we, with our readiness to get responsibilities can be helpful.”

“Does ARF Party have a claim toward positions of NA Standing Committees?”

“We have candidacy for any position. The claim is other question. We are not promoting these types of claims today.”

“Arshak Sadoyan declared that the coalition memorandum was signed among 4 sides, and if one of the sides resigns from coalition, the memorandum should stop its existence: that is, no coalition. Only ARF and RPA wish it to be.”

It is definitely clear for us that the majority does not like the coalition to be, but their opinion is of no value for us.”

“How do you evaluate yesterday’s events in French Parliament?

“Turkish reaction to our foreign policy means that our policy is effective, and their reaction that is especially reflected in the USA, Europe, and lately in France means that our pursued course started to bother them seriously. It means that our course is correct. The voting of the draft cannot be postponed endlessly. It has got validity of the law like in some other countries. France will refer to that issue again, as a European leader. And this time we will succeed.The collision of interests is acceptable everywhere. Serious and important French financial-economical circles that have got interests in Turkey, affect the Government. But there are also other circles, and they will become active now. For Turkey to levy blackmail has been the main way to run the policy during the last 250 years, so it is not surprising for us.”

Three Years of Cooperative Work
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NA President Artur Baghdasaryan Awarded “Peter the Great” Order
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At NA Standing Committees’ Sittings
On May 19 the NA Standing Committees’ sittings were held.At the NA Standing Committee on Social, Health Care and Environmental Protection, headed by Gagik Mkheyan, the Chair of the Committee, the government-submitted draft on 2006-2007 Programme on Privatization of State Property through the procedu...

At NA Working Deliberations
On May 19 the NA working deliberations were held, which presided over NA Vice Speaker Tigran Torosyan.During the deliberations the draft resolution on making addenda to the agenda of the seventh session of the National Assembly of the third convocation and draft agenda of May 22-25 NA four-day sitti...

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