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Parliamentary Hearings in the National Assembly
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On March 31 at the session hall of the National Assembly on the initiative of RA NA Standing Committee on Defence, National Security and Internal Affairs parliamentary hearings on the theme Successful Fight against Illegal Drug Trafficking in the Republic of Armenia, which attended NA deputies, representatives of RA National Security Council, Prosecutor’s Office, Health Care Ministry, State Revenues Committee, NGOs and mass media.

The Chairman of RA NA Standing Committee on Defence, National Security and Internal Affairs Hrayr Karapetyan gave an opening speech. According to his assessment, the aim of these hearings is to keep away the population from the crime of illegal dug trafficking, envisage steps directed at the reduction and prevention of that harmful phenomenon, activate the cooperation of law enforcement bodies and other concerned organizations, raise the public awareness, form public opinion and taking into account the relevant proposals make legislative reforms for making effective the prevention of the evil. According to the speaker, the illegal drug trafficking promotes the activation of other types of crimes, and it’s a serious threat for the national security of our country. This is very troublesome not only for importing the drugs into the republic, but also making Armenia a transit country, thus, it’s necessary to implement special policy and elaborate an action plan.

The first deputy of RA Police Chief Hunan Poghosyan, the deputy of RA General Prosecutor Aram Tamazyan and the Head of the Narcological Clinic of the Psychiatric Medical Centre of RA Ministry of Health Care Petros Semerjyan gave speeches on the theme.

The NA deputies, representatives of NGOs also gave speeches.

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