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Parliament Continues the Work of the Extraordinary Session
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On December 18 the RA National Assembly continued the work of the extraordinary session. The deputies continued the debate of the RA draft law “On Amending the RA Law on Accounting,” which was interrupted on the previous day.

Khosrov Harutyunyan gave a speech on the issue under the debate, saying that it was necessary to amend the bill during the period from the first to the second reading.

Then the deputies in the first reading debated the bill “On Amending the RA Law on Trade and Services,” which presented the RA Deputy Finance Minister Suren Karayan.

The Chairman of the Lead Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Vardan Ayvazyan in his speech proposed the concerned sides to submit their recommendations during that period.

In his final speech Suren Karayan thanked the deputies for concerned debates.

Then the parliament by voting passed all issues debated in the extraordinary session.

After completing the voting the deputies began to debate the bill “On Amending the RA Code on Administrative Infringements.”

The parliament in the second reading procedure debated the bills “On Amending the RA Law on Defining Privileges of Tax and Compulsory Social Security Payments” and “On Licensing.”

The National Assembly debated the amended version of the package of the RA draft laws“On Amending the RA Law on Entering into Force the RA Judicial Code,” and “On Amending the RA Judicial Code,” and the issues of passing in the second reading and completely the RA draft law “On Approving the Three-Year Programme of the RA 2013-2015 State Statistical Works.” The deputies did not give speeches on the issues under debate.

The RA Deputy Finance Minister presented the deputies for passing in the second reading and completely the RA draft law “Cash Desk Operations.”

Then the parliament turned to the debate of the issue on passing in the second reading and completely the RA draft law “On Operative-Intelligence Activity.” The deputy Gagik Jhangiryan indicated shortcomings of the draft law in his speech. The NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan also expressed his disagreement on the terms mentioned in the draft law.

The deputies also debated the issue on passing the RA draft law in the second reading and completely “On Amending the RA Law on State Duty.”

The issue on passing in the second reading and completely the RA draft law "On Amending the  RA Code on Bowels” enjoyed stormy debate.

The parliament also debated the issue on passing in the second reading and completely the RA draft law “Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly.”

Artsvik Minasyan in his speech noted that finally it was not possible to reach cooperation: the issue of the Committee on Ethics by the proposing approach was politicized. Nikol Pashinyan announced that he would refuse to work as Chairman, if the political majority voted in favour of this draft law.

The parliament will continue the debate of the issue at December 19 sitting.

5th Children-Youth Republican Recitation Contest-Festival Held Under the Auspice of the RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan Ends
On December 18 at Hakob Paronian State Theatre of Musical Comedy the gala concert of the 5th Children-Youth Republican Recitation Contest Festival being held under the NA President’s auspice took place. The RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan, the NA Vice President Hermine Naghdalyan, deputies, Ministe...

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