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Eduard Aghajanyan’s Speech on Border Tension
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Azerbaijan continues pursuing the policy of carrying out provocative and aggressive actions on the border with Armenia. As the Security Council of the Republic of Armenia announced, on November 14 on one of the part of Armenia-Azerbaijan eastern border the Azerbaijani armed forces with the support of the military technique intruded the territory of the Republic of Armenia.

As a result of negotiations, the military technique and the great part of the troops were withdrawn, but the Armenian side had position losses.

After May 12 intrusion, Azerbaijan keeps under occupation about 41km2 of the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia - on about 11 sections.

The authorities of Azerbaijan made aggressive statements towards Armenia, in fact creating new territorial and security threats for the Republic of Armenia. The violations of the ceasefire regime on Armenia-Azerbaijan border are of daily character. This situation creates direct threat for Armenia being a member state of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).

Still after May 12 of this year Armenia took an initiative to send the CSTO mission for monitoring the situation on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, according to the order of responding to the crisis situations of the CSTO.

Unfortunately, the initiative has not been called into life. Taking into consideration that Armenia is a the CSTO chairing country, I call on the RA Government to take an initiative for sending the CSTO Observation Mission on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, according to the order of responding to the crisis situations of the CSTO. I call on our parliamentary colleagues to make statements clarifying and covering the aggressive policy of Azerbaijan and the occupation of Armenia’s territories on all international instances.

Vahagn Aleksanyan\'s Speech on Provocative Actions of Azerbaijan
Dear colleagues, I would like once again to touch upon the situation on the border. And the situation is that the Azerbaijani armed forces launched attacking Armenia, shelling the sovereign territory of Armenia. They started provocative actions. After the November 9 statement the political power of ...

Armenian People Has Been Through the Most Serious Stage in the Establishment of its Sovereign Statehood: Vigen Khachatryan
Dear Chair, colleaguesIn reality, Armenian nation has been through an important stage in the establishment of its sovereign statehood. And this ordeal we’ll bear with dignity pass. I will return some people’s words, calling on to forget a lot. Now, betraying Armenia is a betrayal. The entire Armenia...

Azerbaijan Has Passed from Rhetoric to Military Actions: Artur Hovhannisyan
Thank you, dear colleagues. Azerbaijan continues destabilization of the situation by its aggressive rhetoric provocation trying to undermine any initiative, which is proved by the fact that on November 9 Azeri president continues making threats on Armenian sovereignty. Since May 12 the Azeri forces ...

The International Community Shall Not Remain Indifferent: Hovik Aghazaryan
Dear colleagues, last year November 9 tripartite statement was not the end of the war, but was a document for ceasefire which was the foundation to relieve escalation, hence we are in military situation now. This is a civilizational war, not only the war of Armenian people and Turkey and Azerbaijan,...

Armenia Expects Practical Steps from International Community and From Its Military Ally: Lusine Badalyan
The wounds of the previous war have not yet healed, have not yet come out of those shocking events, have not yet come to terms with the thought of loss the Republic of Armenia is again involved in the war, because this time our aggressor neighbor has already put its eyes on the sovereign territory o...

Arpine Davoyan Calls on International Structures from This Tribune
Today about 13:00 o’clock, the Azerbaijani armed forces started another provocation on the eastern border of the Republic of Armenia, firing at the Armenian positions using artillery, armor etc. This is nothing, but another attempt to invade the Armenian territory which violates one of the most impo...

Lilit Stepanyan Calls on the International Community
Dear Parliament, Dear Colleagues, Dear CompatriotsOn November 9, tripartite statement ended the war, but the rhetoric against Armenia didn’t stop. That’s why we call on the international community and partners to condemn what is going on now on the Armenian borders, otherwise your silence will be qu...

On Recent Days We Witness the Abortion of Processes Aimed at Peace by Azerbaijan. Armen Khachatryan
Dear compatriots, On the past days unfortunately we have seen a process which Azerbaijan launched against peace first on Goris-Kapan road and on the customs checkpoint after that when they have seen that the people is responding and resisting on the 16th day established the same checkpoint on the Ka...

The Adversary Violates the RA Ssovereign Territory: Andranik Kocharyan
Dear Deputy Speaker, colleaguesWe shall speak about points of view concerning this situation, namely, there are military activities in the sovereign territory of Armenia, and the enemy violated the sovereign territory of Armenia. Second, we are CSTO member, we have relations with Russia which is the...

Anush Begloian Considers Silence of International Community Inadmissible
Thank You Dear Deputy Speaker and colleagues, I appeal to our international partners and the international community. I would like you to focus on some important issues. First, Azerbaijan has attacked the sovereign area of Armenia, and indeed, Azerbaijan is conducting an information war the way it h...

Sargis Khandanyan: Azerbaijan Continues the Provocative Actions and Escalation of Aggression
Dear Deputy Speaker, colleagues,Months ago Armenia expressed its opinion about security in the region. The stance of Armenia has been also clear on de-blockading of the communication, and we have been quite constructive that Armenia follows all the provisions of November 9 and January 11 Agreements....

Azerbaijani Armed Forces Start Provocative Actions on Eastern Border of Armenia
Distinguished Deputy Speaker and the citizens of Armenia,I want to call on the international community members, and this is not the first time that I am calling on the international community. On November 16, the Azerbaijani forces has started provocative actions on the eastern border of the Republi...

Vagharshak Hakobyan Applies to EEU Partners
The Azerbaijani armed forces have been in the sovereign territory of Armenia since May 12, which was recorded at the highest level. We called not only our strategic partners, but also on the international community to prevent this provocation. This is the direct continuation of what has been happeni...

Andranik Kocharyan Touches Upon the Situation Created on the Sovereign Territory of Armenia
At the NA sitting, the Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Defense and Security also touched upon the situation on the border, noting that the situation created on the sovereign territory of Armenia keeps everybody in tension. First of all, the armed forces are in tension.Ha has noted that Armenia...

Maria Karapetyan Refers to Tense Situation on the Border
At the NA sitting, the NA deputy Maria Karapetyan spoke about the tense situation on the border. “It has been a year since the war that Azerbaijan launched on Nagorno Karabakh has ended. The Azerbaijani armed forces have penetrated the state border of the Republic of Armenia in several areas in May ...

Silence is Inadmissible: Hovik Aghazaryan
“What takes place today by Azerbaijan, in the silent condition of the CSTO Member States, which in some cases also remind us an agreement, is inadmissible,” the NA deputy Hovik Aghazaryan siad....

Vigen Khachatryan’s Speech on CSTO Position
“Azerbaijan is not a threat for us, we simply do not want new victims, new wounded. I think that if our allies are not capable to fulfill their mission, we can have other allies, and nobody can restrain us from making that election.,” the deputy Vigen Khachatryan noted. ...

It’s the Right Time to Evaluate Our Allies’ Attitude: Gurgen Arsenyan
At this moment, the events taking place on the RA territory, the non-lawful, the non-legal actions by the armed forces of Azerbaijan are considered to be a challenge for us, our authorities, our country, our people which announced that adopted peace agenda. We see that it is the right time to evalua...

Vahagn Aleksanyan’s Speech on Border Situation
The NA deputy Vahagn Aleksanyan touched upon the situation on the border, addressing also to the international colleagues. He noted that in recent period the various manifestations of aggression against the Republic of Armenia by Azerbaijan and the encroachments towards territorial integrity had bec...

Armenia and Vietnam to Cooperate in Fields of Education and Science
At November 16 NA sitting, the draft law on Ratifying the Agreement on Cooperation between the RA Government and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in the field of Education and Science was debated. According to the RA Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports Artur ...

Aleksey Sandikov Calls on CSTO and International Community
Dear colleagues, dear citizens of the Republic of Armenia,I would like to give a speech in Russian as a parliamentarian representing Russians living in Armenia, as well as a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). At this moment, the Azerbaijani ar...

Azerbaijan Violates Provisions of November 9 and January 11 Statements: Gevorg Papoyan
We draw attention of the Russian Federation, which is our strategic partner, the Member States of the CSTO, as well as the international community to this issue. Azerbaijan violates the provision of November 9 and January 11 statements, which have been signed at the highest level. ...

Law on Procurement Is Being Improved
At November 16 third sitting, the National Assembly should debate the NA draft decision on holding an urgent debate being of a public interest on the issues of finding out the fate of prisoners of war, hostages, missing persons, other detainees and returning them to their homeland. It was not debate...

Call of NA Deputy Hripsime Grigoryan to International Partners
“Thank you distinguished Speaker,Dear international partners,I want to draw everyone's attention to the current provocative actions of Azerbaijan against the eastern borders of the Republic of Armenia, namely, bombing the Armenian positions at the moment.These regular illegal military operations are...

Vacancy of Chief Architect of Yerevan to be Replaced with Vacancy of Deputy Mayor
At November 16 NA sitting, the package of draft laws on Making Amendments and Addendum to the Law on Local Self-Government in the City of Yerevan and on Amending the Law on Public Service authored by the Government was debated in the first reading. According to the RA Deputy Minister of Territorial ...

Deadline for Providing Old Sample Passports is to Be Extended
At November 16 sitting, the deputies in the first reading debated the draft laws on Making Amendments and Addenda to the Law on the RA Citizen’s Passport and on making Amendments and Addenda to the Law on Identity Cards.According to the RA Deputy Head of Police Ara Fidanyan, the aim of the initiativ...

NA Standing Committee Once Again Does Not Elect Committee Deputy Chair
At November 16 extraordinary sitting moderated by Andranik Kocharyan, the RA NA Standing Committee on Defense and Security, debated the item of the election of the Deputy ...

RA NA President Receives Ambassador of the United Kingdom to RA
On November 16, the RA NA President Alen Simonyan received the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Armenia John Gallagher.The NA President underlined the necessity of expanding the multi-lateral relations with the United Kingdom...

Amendments to RA Tax Code
On November 16, the National Assembly in the second reading debated the draft law on making amendments and addenda to the RA Tax Code authored by the Government. It specifies the definition of the electronic service and stipulates the rules for the decision of the electronic service rendering, as we...

More Than 300.000 AMD Transactions is Designed to Carry out in Non-Cash Way
On November 16, during the convened NA regular sittings the parliament debated in the first reading the draft law on Non-Cash Transactions with the enclosed legislative package. As the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank Vakhtang Abrahamyan informed, it is designed to regulate the legal relations on...

NA Deputies Meet with Pupils and Pedagogues of Malatia-Sebastia Community of Capital
On November 16, the pupils and the pedagogues of Norik Khachatryan Basic School N 113 in Yerevan visited parliament within the framework of the NA Open Lesson Programme. They followed the work of the NA regular sittings from the box of parliament, got acquainted with the daily life of parliament. Th...

Parliament Debates Addendum Proposed to Law on Compulsory Enforcement of Judicial Acts
The executive body proposes to make an addendum to the Law on Compulsory Enforcement of Judicial Acts aimed at defining the cases of not charging the enforcement costs in case of terminating the enforcement proceedings for the certain group of persons. ...

Amendments Directed to Rise of Work Efficiency of Public Service Regulatory Body
At November 16 NA sitting, the deputies in the first reading debated the amendments and addenda being proposed to the law on Public Service Regulatory Body and a number of enclosed other laws. According to the Chairman of the Public Service Regulatory Commission Garegin Baghramyan, it is particularl...

It is Envisaged to Appoint Commissioners for Diaspora Affairs on Voluntary Basis
At the NA regular sitting convened on November 16, the deputies debated in the first reading the draft law on Amending the Law on Public Service submitted by the Government. As the Higher Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs of the RA Prime Minister’s Staff Zareh Sinanyan has informed, that the necessi...

Parliament Begins Work of Regular Sittings
On November 16, the RA National Assembly began the work of the regular sittings.The Head of the NA Armenia Faction Seyran Ohanyan and the Secretary of With Honor Faction Hayk Mamijanyan informed that their factions would not take part in the work of the NA regular sittings. Hayk Mamijanyan clarified...

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