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Arnak Avetisyan: 607.020.03 thousand AMD is entered to RA state budget as a result of property privatization in 2022
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At May 17 sitting, the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs debated in the first reading the draft law on Approving the 2022 Annual Report of the Implementation of the State Property Privatization Programme for 2017-2020, the aim of which is to provide information on privatization deals carried out in 2022 calendar year towards the companies included in the state property privatization programme and the dissolution process, as well as present the procedure of the fulfilment of the contractual obligations, giving an opportunity to inform the community about the privatization process.

The Head of the State Property Management Committee of the RA Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Arnak Avetisyan noted that during the reporting period the means received from the privatization was 845.281.16 thousand drams. 607.020.09 thousand drams entered to the state budget at the expense of privatization, and 238.261.07 drams – to the budgets of communities.

It was also noted that during the reporting period, the shares being state property of one company with classic auction and the state means with 55 names were sold, and with direct sale - the shares one state property.

According to Arnak Avetisyan,, Herher and Armenicum Close Joint Stock Companies were included in the privatization programme. As a result of the audit carried out by the latter, criminal proceedings was initiated. The key rapporteur informed that privatization preparatory works are done in two companies. “Our policy is to present the organizations in healthy state and be attractive for the investments,” Arnak Avetisyan.

He answered to deputies’ questions on the privatization problems.

The Deputy Chair of the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Babken Tunyan informed that the proposals presented by the NA Expertise and Analytical Department were accepted by the key rapporteur, as a result of which, the bill was revised.

The Committee members endorsed the legislative initiative.

First joint meeting of RA NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations and Foreign Relations Committee of Parliament of Georgia held in Tbilisi
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Students of Charles Aznavour College Visit Parliament
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A petition debated at sitting: Representatives of pharmacies apply to Standing Committee on Economic Affairs
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