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Bills on Sphere of Education Debated
On December 23, the RA NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport convened an extraordinary sitting.Two legislative initiatives, that later received endorsements, were debated in the first reading. The bills will be included in the draft agenda of the fourth sess...

Items on State Duty and Road Traffic Debated
On December 23, on the initiative of the Member of the RA NA Standing Committee on Defense and Security, the Member of the NA My Step Faction Armen Khachatryan with the participation of the NGO representatives being involved with the defense of the NA deputies, lawyers and drivers a debate on Amendi...

Head of RA NA Armenia-Romania Friendship Group Anush Begloian Attends Celebrations Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Union of Armenians of Romania
On December 16, the RA NA deputy, the Head of the RA NA Armenia-Romania Friendship Group Anush Begloian attended the celebrations dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Union of Armenians of Romania.Conveying the warm congratulations and greetings of the RA NA President Ararat Mirzoyan to the att...

Deputies of RA NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights Visit Republican Assembly Point
On December 23, the deputies of the RA NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights visited the Assembly Point of the Ministry of Defense for observing the winter call-up procedure.The deputies took a tour to all divisions of the Assembly Point, talked with the officials of the call-up, and t...

Members of RA NA Armenia-Ukraine Friendship Group Visit Kiev
On December 20, at the invitation of the Union of Armenians of Ukraine (UAU) the deputies of Armenia-Ukraine Friendship Group of the RA National Group were on a two-day working visit in Kiev and took part in the Conference of the Union.Within the framework of the visit led by the Head of the Delegat...

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