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There is Special Friendly Attitude to Lebanon and Its People in Armenia
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RA National Assembly Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan is on an official visit in Lebanon.

On the evening of April 11 the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Hovik Abrahamyan arrived in Lebanon on three-day official visit. The parliamentary delegation is comprised of the Chief of Staff of the National Assembly Gegham Gharibjanyan, NA deputies Vahan Hovhannisyan, Martin Sargsyan, Hovhannes Margaryan, Araik Grigoryan, Armen Martirosyan, Vahe Enfiajyan,

The Speaker of the Parliament of Lebanon Nabih Berri met the Speaker of RA National Assembly Hovik Abrahamyan at the airport in Beirut. The Speakers of the two parliaments had a short private talk.

Then the meeting of the Speakers of the parliaments of Armenia and Lebanon and the delegations led by them was held at the Reception House of the National Assembly. Warmly welcoming the Speaker of the National Assembly of Armenia, Nabih Berri noted that the ties between Armenia and Lebanon are historical, and the Armenians residing in Lebanon serve a live bridge between the two states. 19 agreements are signed between Armenia and Lebanon, which have been ratified by the parliaments. In the words of the Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament, the economic relations of the two countries considerably yield the political relations, and the parliaments shall do our best to make closer the economic relations. According to Nabih Berri, we shall work to understand more each other at the level of parliaments and national diplomacy.

Expressing his gratitude for the invitation and warm reception the RA National Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan emphasized the activation and the development of the ties between Armenia and Lebanon. Agreeing that the economic relations incomparably yield the political relations the RA National Assembly Speaker considered necessary to create a field that the businessmen of the two sides could make investments in two countries. In Hovik Abrahamyan’s words, the organization of the meetings between the businessmen is also important, which will promote the development of the economic relations.

“The relations between our countries cannot develop without touching upon the inter-parliamentary cooperation,” Hovik Abrahamyan said, highlighting the mutual visits of the parliamentary friendship groups, which will help making closer the relations.

RA National Assembly Speaker documented that the two countries also recorded great success in different international instances with respect to mutually beneficial cooperation. The two countries supported in international structures each other in the important issues for Armenia and Azerbaijan. He also highly assessed the fraternal attitude towards the Armenians living in Lebanon.

Hovik Abrahamyan said that we remember with warmth in Armenia Nabih Berri’s visit to Armenia in 1997 and highly assess it. RA National Assembly Speaker invited his Lebanese counterpart to visit Armenia within the terms preferable for him.

RA National Assembly Speaker thanked his counterpart that during this visit the Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament highlighted the right of self-determination of the Nagorno Karabakh people. In connection with this, Hovik Abrahamyan stressed that Nagorno Karabakh cannot be in the composition of Azerbaijan.

The sides also touched upon the Armenian-Turkish relations. The Speaker of the Parliament of Lebanon expressed hope that those relations soon will be regulated and expressed his willingness for support. Expressing his gratitude RA National Assembly Speaker that in May 2000 the Parliament of Lebanon led by Nabih Berri adopted a Resolution condemning the Armenian Genocide, noted that such steps were important later for preventing similar crimes. The ratification aimed at normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations at present is delayed by the Turkish Parliament, an attempt is made to connect it with NK issue, meanwhile this has no connection with it.

As a result of the meetings Hovik Abrahamyna and Nabih Berri signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the parliaments of the Republic of Armenia and Lebanon.

In honour of RA National Assembly Speaker in the name of the Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament Nabih Berri an official dinner was given, during which delivering a speech Nabih Berri in particular highlighted the economic relations, noting about their big potential. He called on the businessmen to rapidly develop those relations. Touching upon the Armenian-Turkish relations the Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament expressed hope that the authorities of the two countries could develop the relations at diplomatic level.

During the official dinner RA National Assembly Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan gave a speech. He said: “A well-known philosopher, writer and poet of Lebanon and Arabic world Jbran Khalil Jbran said the following wonderful words: ‘We can forget the person, with whom you have laughed, but we shall never forget the person with whom you have cried.’ These words are fully consonant with the Armenian-Lebanese relations, which does not only testify to the spiritual relation and unfaithful feelings of two peoples, but also will serve a brilliant example of dialogue, solidarity and tolerance between cultures and religions. I’ll note that in the center of Yerevan the bust of the great writer is erected in the park adjacent to Beirut Street.

At the beginning of the last century in Ottoman Turkey for our many compatriots, who had a narrow escape from the Genocide perpetrated towards the Armenians in Ottoman Turkey this hospitable land became not only a place of salvation, but also a close hearth, where they could not only survive, but also grow and give generation. This shows the civilized and dignified stance of the state and people of Lebanon, just position. And the expression is on May 12, 2000 the Lebanese Parliament presided over by you recognized and condemned the Armenian Genocide perpetrated by Ottoman Turkey.

The inter-parliamentary relations founded from 1993 by mutual trust continue till now. I would like to mention with joy and warmth, dear Mr. Berri, about your visit in 1997 made to Armenia, and in particular, to the parliament of our country. We’ll be glad again to host you. The Parliamentary Friendship Groups functioning in the parliaments of the two countries have their contribution in developing the inter-parliamentary cooperation and inter-state relations. I’ll note that the members of the Armenian-Lebanese Parliamentary Friendship Group also took part in 2005 in the events organized within the framework of the 15th anniversary of the Armenian Parliament. I consider very important the necessity of activation of the works of delegations and Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Groups led by the Speakers of Lebanese and Armenian parliaments.

Dear friends, the involvement of the citizens of Lebanon of Armenian descent in all the spheres of life, participation in the state government in the face of the ministers and deputies of Armenian origin, testifies not only to them being assessed, but about the atmosphere of ruling equality and justice. Lebanon is the state of the Arabic world, with which Armenia has an Agreement of Friendship. There is special friendly attitude to Lebanon and its people in Armenia.

I am thankful for the big devotion to all-human values the authorities of Lebanon and the people, which must be exemplary for many countries in the world in general and in our region in particular. We have a neighbour, whose President and authorities regularly make bellicose statements. The Armenian people don’t want war, but if it will be imposed on them, they are always ready to defend their own dignity.

I propose a toast to the welfare and peaceful future of the Lebanese people, Lebanon, Armenian-Lebanese sincere friendship and personally to the Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament Mr. Berri.”

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