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Meetings of RA NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan Continue in Lebanon
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On April 12 in the morning the RA National Assembly Speaker had a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Minister and Emigrants of Lebanon Ali Shami.

Noting that the Armenians play a major role in the development of Lebanon the Foreign Minister said that they always wanted to develop relations in the political, economic and cultural spheres. And the embassies of the two countries have a major role.

Hovik Abrahamyan noted that such visits promote the strengthening of ties between the two countries and peoples. He considered necessary the activation of the relations in the international structures. RA NA Speaker especially highlighted the activation of the parliamentary diplomacy.

The sides also touched upon the Armenian-Turkish relations and NK issue. RA NA Speaker reiterated Armenia’s willingness to establish relations with Turkey without preconditions. Meanwhile the latter delays the ratification of the protocols, which was signed in Zurich, by the parliament.

RA NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan noted that the NK conflict should be regulated in peaceful way within the framework of OSCE Minsk Group. He considered very important the recognition of the right of self-determination of the Nagorno Karabakh people. In Ali Shami’s words, they agree that the issue will be regulated within the framework of OSCE Minsk Group.

After the meeting with the Lebanese Minister the NA Speaker left for Baabda, where he met the President of Lebanon, General Michel Suleiman in the residence of the President of Lebanon.

Expressing his gratitude for reception Hovik Abrahamyan stressed the bilateral warm relations and fraternal attitude to our compatriots. The interlocutors touched upon the Armenian-Lebanese bilateral relations, regional problems. Touching upon the Armenian-Turkish relations, Hovik Abrahamyan considered unacceptable and condemnable that Turkey connects their ratification with NK issue. In the words of RA NA Speaker, Armenia wants to have friendly relations with its neighbourr, but they must not be at the expense of our people’s dignity.

The President of Lebanon considered desirable the normalization of relations with the neighbours in diplomatic way. In his words, Lebanon realizes the pain, to which lead the deportations and genocides. He considered unacceptable the violation of the rights of small states and nations. Michel Suleiman highlighted the cooperation between Armenia and Lebanon in the international structures for the solution of the issue of peace in the Near East and the Armenian Cause.

RA NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan noted the right of the self-determination of every nation should be protected. In the process of the NK conflict settlement the most important thing is the right of the Nagorno Karabakh self-determination and the issue of the NK status: the Nagorno Karabakh can never be in the composition of Azerbaijan. In the remaining issues Armenia can go to compromises.

RA NA Speaker and the President of Lebanon also emphasized the activation of ties between the governments of the two countries. In particular, the spheres of trade and tourism were noted.

During the meeting of RA NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan and the Prime Lebanese Minister Saad Hariri the Armenian-Lebanese economic relations were more thoroughly discussed. Hovik Abrahamyan considered necessary the expansion of economic ties, noting that as Speaker of Parliament he would do his best for its development. He proposed to hold Armenian-Lebanese business forum within the framework of the Lebanese Prime Minister’s visit in September of this year. The Lebanese Prime Minister noted that the businessmen of Armenia and Lebanon are very active but we should connect them with each other. The sides also discussed the issue of the Armenian-Turkish relations. Saad Hariri noted that for the improvement of those relations the steps taken by Armenia were aimed at ensuring security and stability in the region.

After the meeting with Prime Minister RA NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan visited the late martyred Prime Minister Hariri’s tomb and laid down a wreath.

Later the delegation by RA NA Speaker left for Historical Baalbek, where he was met by the Mayor and had a short meeting.

On the evening of April 12 the delegation led by Hovik Abrahamyan visited Aynjar, which is resided with Armenians. He laid a wreath at the monument erected in memory of those who died in Musa Dagh, after that he had a meeting with our compatriots.

Delegation of China-Armenia Parliamentary Friendship Group in the National Assembly
On April 11 the members of the delegation of China-Armenia Parliamentary Friendship Group being on an official visit in Yerevan accompanied by NA Chief of Staff Gegham Gharibjanyan visited Tsiternakaberd, laid flowers at the monument of 1915 Armenian Genocide and  in silence paid tribute t...

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