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Speech by H.E. Mr. HOVIK ABRAHAMYAN, President of the Armenian National Assembly at the Constituent Meeting of the EURONEST Parliamentary Assembly
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"Your Excellency Mr. Jerzy Buzek,

Dear Colleagues,

Fellow parliamentarians, 
On behalf of the Armenian National Assembly may I congratulate us all on this significant event, as well as say thank you to Dr. Jerzy Buzek for his kind invitation to be present here.  

I would also like to thank the heads of all national delegations and political groups represented in the EURONEST for their consistent work due to which this particular initiative became a reality. 
As far back as in 2004 when the European Neighbourhood Policy was launched the long-term goal of the European Union was to provide assistance to the Eastern partner countries and through accomplishment of similar programs to facilitate their transition phase towards real democracy. 
Within this context the originality of EURONEST is evident. The Eastern partners do not simply become members of the already existing European structures, but are the founders of a similar European institution. 
During the whole period of its activity the European Parliament has proved its commitment to the universal values encouraging nations to unite around the idea of freedom, solidarity, justice  and stability, against the temptation of  creating obstacles and dividing lines, which is so  easier  on the political arena. 
The Republic of Armenia has constantly proved its commitment to these universal values and has been an advocate of cooperation, supporting the development of normal relations with its neighbors and deepening the regional cooperation. 
The EURONEST Parliamentary Assembly should become the venue that should help give a parliamentary assessment of the Eastern Partnership, express our commitment to the principles of international law and fundamental values and achieve mutual understanding and full fledged regional cooperation. In this context with its diversity Europe serves as a role model for achieving solidarity. 
Armenia also attaches great importance to the intercultural dialogue in the region through the establishment of   the climate of trust and cooperation between diverse religious and ethnic communities. This, in its turn, will promote democratic development, prosperity and create necessary prerequisites for peace, stability and security. The same principles are also reflected in the Prague Declaration. 
It is common knowledge that the implementation of reforms is impossible if trust, confidence in them and political will are lacking. In our view the parliamentary dimension of the Eastern partnership is the institute through which we could assist the implementation of the EU Eastern Partnership Policy, note progress and predict challenges. It will also become a specific forum for the exchange of information and best practices,   facilitate        understanding and elaboration of common positions between the European Parliament and the parliaments of partner states. 
This inter-parliamentary assembly is the parliamentary dimension of the Eastern Partnership Policy, which should create conditions needed for advancing the political association and economic integration between the European Union and the eastern partner states. It can become a strong tool for the enhancement and development of partnership. 
In case of Armenia, our Christian values, historical,   linguistic and cultural factors ensure our presence in the EU institution, once again reaffirming Armenia being an inseparable part of the great European family. Full integration of almost one million of European Union citizens of Armenian origin in the political, economic and cultural spheres of Europe is the best proof thereof. With this in view, we focus on the process aimed at visa facilitation for the Armenian citizens traveling to the European Union. 
I wish to particularly stress that less than a year has passed since the launch of the negotiations on the Association Agreement with the European Union. At the moment we have already concluded sixteen chapters of the negotiated document. I am aware that some of our partners have achieved more. Let us seize this unique opportunity to accelerate this process and not try to make the EURONEST a place for senseless disputes. I sincerely hope that all our partners share the same approach. It is also my strong belief that it is among the tasks of the EURONEST to engage Belarus in the process and try to encourage further reforms in the country to enable the Byelorussian delegation to fill the vacant seats in the near future. 
Over the past period the Armenian National Assembly has reaffirmed its commitment to the EURONEST process being the first to shape a national delegation and actively engage in the preparations. 
In the current era of globalization the role of diversity is of paramount importance and the issues of human rights and fundamental freedoms      should be high on our political agenda. I would like to inform you that the Armenian National Assembly is about to finalize the hearings on the new Electoral Code by bringing it in compliance with the recommendations of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe. The new law on “Freedom of Speech and Assembly” has already entered into force in our Republic. 
The involvement of the three South Caucasus countries in the EURONEST might be extremely useful in making our region more predictable. The Republic of Armenia shares this view of the European Union. EURONEST could also provide a new impetus to the current relations between us given  the importance of parliamentary diplomacy and become  an additional incentive for the enhancement of ties between our parliaments and the societies at large. 
Before concluding my speech I would like to underscore that I regard EURONEST not as simply an institution, but a bridge to future cooperation, that Armenia is resolute to pass. 
Thank you for your kind attention."

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