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Parliament Debates the Issue of Amnesty
At May 25 sitting the National Assembly passed more than one dozen agenda items presented on the previous day and turned to the debate of the proposal of the President of the Republic on Amnesty.Meanwhile, the NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan in the deputies’ name welcomed the students and teachers ...

Speech by RA NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan during the Debate of the Issue on Announcing Amnesty on the 20th Anniversary of RA Independence Declaration Presented by the President of the Republic
“Dear deputies,As Speaker of the National Assembly I highly assess the proposal of the President of the Republic of Armenia on ‘Announcing Amnesty on the 20th Anniversary of RA Independence Declaration,’ which in my opinion, is an expected and completely justified step. This is the 9th amnesty durin...

Open Lesson with the Gyumri Students
On May 25 within the framework of the Open Lesson programme the senior classes and their teachers of Gyumri N 7 Secondary School visited the parliament. The NA Vice Speaker Samvel Balasanyan met them. The NA deputy Sukias Avetisyan attended the meeting too.The NA Vice Speaker presented the schoolchi...

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